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Middlebury-CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

Dr Octavia Cox is Assistant Senior Tutor and Lecturer in English at Middlebury–CMRS Oxford Humanities Program, and also College Lecturer at Keble College, University of Oxford.  Before taking up these posts, she held teaching positions at the University of Nottingham and the University of Oxford (including Corpus Christi College and the Department for Continuing Education). 

Octavia specialises in long-18th and 19th century English literature, particularly Alexander Pope, the Romantics, and Jane Austen, and her research focuses especially on metatextuality, intertextuality, and literary inheritance.  Her current monograph, Alexander Pope in the Romantic Age, considers the presence of Pope’s poetry in the Romantic period—materially, figuratively, and inter-textually—countering assumptions of Romantic anti-Popeanism.  She is currently researching her future book project, Jane Austen and Genre, which interrogates how Austen plays with, challenges, and subverts genre conventions within her fiction.