A photo of Sarrah Zuhair.

Sarrah is an Arabic language instructor and translator (English\Turkish\Arabic). She has ten years of experience in the field of Arabic teaching for non-native speakers, and also in the field of translation. Sarrah received her BA from Kuwait University and her MA from Yarmouk University majoring in Arabic Language and Literature. In addition to teaching, she has worked as a curricula writer, a trainer, and a coordinator in the Al-Farra center in Amman. From 2015-2019, Sarrah worked as an Arabic language lecturer at Ordu University in Turkey. At Ordu University, she participated in and organized a number of cultural activities and discussions related to Arab culture and society.

Sarrah is interested in cultural studies and translation. She has been translating poetry and Academic studies for the Kuwaiti National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCL) since 2013. Her translated articles can be found in the NCCL’s Periodical publication (الثقافة العالمية).