All students at the School in India take Hindi each week. Students may choose either an intensive Hindi program for two units of credit, or a less-intensive course in Hindi for one unit of Middlebury credit.
In addition to the Hindi course, students will take two or three university courses at their host college in Delhi. Students taking intensive Hindi will take two courses at the college, while other students will take three courses at the host college. Host colleges are within the University of Delhi, Lady Shri Ram College, St. Stephen’s College, or Indraprastha College for Women. Each of these courses will count as one unit of credit from Middlebury. All university courses are taught in English.
See a list of available disciplines in India.
For Middlebury College Students Only
This course information database contains information on courses taken abroad (both at Middlebury Schools Abroad and externally sponsored programs) and their applicability to Middlebury majors and academic distributions. The database represents only a sampling of courses that have been approved to apply to each major to date. New courses are added regularly as they are approved.
Don’t see your course listed?
Use this form to apply for major/minor credit or academic distributions and cultures and civilizations requirements.
Note: To apply a pre-approved academic distribution or cultures and civilizations attribute to your student record OR to apply a pre-approved course toward your major, you must contact the Registrar’s Office.
Middlebury College Faculty
You may find it useful to consult the database when meeting with students to determine if a particular course has already been approved for major/minor credit or academic distributions.