African Studies

2018Sylvia Lynch, “La Vie en Blanche: The Gendered Experience of Women with Albinism in Cameroon and Tanzania”

2017Sara Swett, “The Interconnectedness of Women in Iringa, Tanzania: Their Stories, Constraints, Resistance, and Relational-Esteem”

2016Emma Gee, “Eating Habits of Children in Cameroon: How children and their mothers conceptualize their foods and diets”

2016Anna Chamby, “Les Vraies Femmes Camerounaises: Healthcare-Seeking Negotiations of Motherhood Among Women in Yaounde, Cameroon”

2013Hannah Stonebraker, “Culture & Power in African Monarchy: What Monarchy Can Tell Us About Democracy”

2011Stephanie Rademeyer, “Je t’Aime Moi Non Plus: Ambivalence dans les Relations Sino-Africaines”

2006Helen Price Massey, “An Analysis of Leadership in the Fight against HIV/AIDS: The Cases of South Africa, Malawi, and Uganda”

East Asian Studies

2022, Zoe Lynds, “What’s in a Date?” Dating and Courtship Among Urban Japanese University Students”

2021, Juniper Artemis Hall-Aquitania, “Hidden Tensions in Normalization: Sino-Japanese Relations from 1949 to 1972”

2021, Benjamin Renton, “Thriving or Surviving? A Multifaceted Approach to Urban Poverty in Two Chinese Cities”

2019Travis Sanderson, “Black Cat’s Claw: The Impact of Migrant Regulations on Structural Inequality in the People’s Republic of China”

2019, Carissa Yan-Yi Lee, “Colonial Nostalgia of the Japanese Occupation and Taiwanese Identity”

2018John Husson, “All in the Mind? Forgetting the Internal and External in Wang Yangming’s Interpretation of the Mencius-Gaozi Debates”

2018Mari Tanioka, “The Collective Memory Construction of the “Janfu” System in Mainland China”

2018Mika Wysocki, “Authoritarianism in the Digital Age: Exploring big data’s role in the CCP’s social control strategy”

2017Caroline Agsten, “Stratifying Spaces or Green Places? Gendering Public Parks in Beijing and Shanghai”

2016Timothy Fraser, “Restarting the Sendai Reactor: Ecology of Japanese Civic Activism Post-Fukushima”

2016Khine Thant Su, “Cold War Relations Between the PRC and the Anti-Communist Military Government of Burma”

2015Matthew Butler, “Educating the Asian Miracle Economies: Comparative Study of Education Reform and Transitional Development in China and Japan”

2015Holly Hummer, “Born Shinto, Marry Christian, Die Buddhist?’: Deconstructing the Myth of Japanese Religiosity within an Aging Society”

2015Liza Keller, “Why Fight for Your Rights?: A Comparative Analysis of Student Mobilization in the Umbrella and Sunflower Movements”​

2014Julia Madden, “Assessing Internet Censorship in China: Weibo Sensitive Discourse, and Collective Action”

2014Skylar Dallmeyer-Drennen, “National Model Cities for Environmental Protection: A Model for Urban Environmentalism?”

European Studies

2023, Vera Rousseff, “From Rhetoric to Reality: National Models and Muslim Integration in France”

2021, Olivia Brown, “Y Arriverons Nous? European Cooperation and the French Response to Angela Merkel’s 2015 Open Door Policy”

2021, Noe Horiwaki, “L’Écriture inclusive en France : Un survol de l’histoire, du contenu et de l’opinion public”

2021, Madeline Kresin, “Migration Through Maps: Media Portrayals of Refugees in Europe”

2020, Claiborne Beary, “Navigating Identity, Space, and Language in Post-Colonial France: Abdellah Taia’s Exploration”

2018Sarah Corsico, “Starting from Zero in Paris: How NGOs and social initiative projects have been assisting refugees and asylum seekers in France, 2015 to the present”

2018Meredith Tulloch, “A Delicate Balance: Médecins Sans Frontières’ Impartial Aid and Témoignage in the European Migration Crisis”

2017Rachel Iacono, “Die Entwicklung der Willkommenskultur: Germany’s Changing Relationship with Refugees and Asylum-Seekers from the 1990s to the Present Day”

2017Lydia HyunYoung Kim, Big Questions for Small Things: Transatlantic Divergence of Nanotechnology Governance”

2017Conor Maxwell, “Competing Visions of Europe in European Integration Referenda”

2015Zachary Brando Strauss, “The Past and Present of Convivencia: How Spain Appropriated and Transformed its Medieval History”

2015Madeleine Despins, “The Culture of Needing More: The American Adaptations of Foreign Television”

2010Dan Langfitt, “Perceptions of Political Legitimacy in the Franco-Russian Encounter of 1814”

2007Arielle Weisman, “Salvando la cultura vasca: La restauracion del euskera en la epoca posfranquista de España”

2007Patricia Mon-San Lee, “Pornography and the Sexual Revolution: A Comparative Study Between West Germany and the United States”

2007Emily SJE Kilbom, “The Politics of Language in Europe”

2006Ian Fleishman, “La Modernite (A)mnesique; Une Lecture des Fleurs du mal A la Lumiere de Walter Benjamin” 

2006Victoria Watts, “Socially Dependent Language Variation in Bilingual Children”

2006Francesca Aguiar Filippelli, “Calabrian Regionalism after the Italian Risorgimento: An Analysis of Cultural Identity”

Latin American Studies

2024, Gettings, Noah, “The Revitalization of Quechua: Projecting the voices of the crucial actors to the revitalization project”

2023, Sophie Mueller, ”?Es ley?: La Brecha Entre la Retorica y la Implementacion de Leyes y el Movimiento Feminista Comunitaria en Argentina” 

2023, Camila Paris, “The Intersection of Health and Rights: An Analysis of Reproductive and Maternal Healthcare in the Argentine Public Sector”

2022, Sergiu White, “Una Nueva Combinación Mundial, Balkaton”

2021, Claudia Patricia Alvarado Mejia, “EXPANSIÓN DE LAS MARAS EN EL SALVADOR EN LA DÉCADA DE 1990”

2021, Olivia O’Brien, “El significado revolucionario de los gusanos y las vacas:Cien años de soledad como una visión crítica de laRevolución Cubana”

2021, Megan Salmon, “The Moving Target: Brazilian Pardo Identity and its Constitution of Racial Space”

2020, Maren Walsh, “Self-Help and Informal Housing in Havana and Buenos Aires: A Comparison of Ideologies and Outcomes”

2020, Jack Goldfield, “Criando a Base: O Envolvimento dos Estados Unidos no Golpe Militar Brasileiro de 1964”

2019Marcelo Lopez, “Exceptional Human Rights and Haitian Migratory Patterns in Santiago de Chile”

2018Natalie Figueroa Morales, “Agents of the Times: The Role of Intercultural Bilingual Education and the Post-Peace Accords Generation in the Maya Movement”

2018Margaret (Meg) Sayre, “El Femicidio: Las Causas Subyacentes y el Caso Especial de Argentina”

2015.5Emily Rose Selch, “’No nos apoyan:’Evaluating and responding to the unevenness of development in Peru”

2015Hannah Reeve, “Soccer of the Secluded: Race, Triumph, and Tragedy in the 1950 FIFA World Cup in Brazil”

2015Cassidy Coash, “Argentina’s Dólar Blue: Evasion of Controls Through a Black Market for US Dollars”

2014Hudson Cavenaugh, “El ejercito cubano de batas blancas: The Political, Economic and Diplomatic Impact of Cuban Human Capital Exportation”

2009Elizabeth Herron-Sweet, “The Right to Memory and Truth: Brazil’s Transitional Justice Policy and its Consequences, 1979-2009”

2009Jessica Clayton, “The Development Impact of Remittances in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Panel Data and Household Surveys”

2008Joel Simpson, “Toquí Caupolican: un analysis historigráfico-literario del guerrero mapuche en el Centro general de Pablo Neruda”

2006Mary Menbdoza, “If We Build It, They Won’t Come: The Physical Manifestation of the US-Mexico Border”

Middle East and North African Studies

2023, Rain Ji, Hitting Below the Belt? Jordanian Youth Perceptions of the Belt and Road Initiative”

2021, Araceli Arizpe, “Opportunity or Obstacle? The Effects of Male Labor Migration on Female Socioeconomic Development in Egypt”

2019Muhammad Garda Ramadhito, “The New Turkey: The Rise of Muslim Nationalism and Illiberal Democracy in Erdogan’s Turkey”

2019Billie White, “Agency amidst Patriarchy: Centering the Lived Experiences of Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan”

2018Alexandra Freedman, “Rockets and Right-Wing Parties: The Impact of Terrorism on Israeli Elections”

2018Vignesh Ramachandran, “The Refugee Camp as (Emerging) Neoliberal Space(s): Actor-Network Theory in Za’atari Refugee Camp, Jordan”

2017Oakley Haight, “Fictions of Human Rights: Power, Intervention and Universality in Arab Novels”

2016Ellen Bevier, “Tweeting the Revolution: Social Media and the Syrian Conflict”

2015Kathryn Lorber Falk, “Integration, Marginalization, and Complexities of Identity: The Experiences of Jews in Baghdad, Cairo, and Alexandria in the First Half of the Twentieth-Century”

2011Abraham Katz, “From Monarchy to a Little Less Monarchy: Comparative development of consultative councils in the in the Gulf Cooperation Council States”

2009Jessamy Klapper, “Introduction to a Dinosaur-Poet: Usama al-Dinasoury”

2006Christopher Hamisch, “Jihad of the Vote: The Struggle for an Islamic Democracy in Egypt”

Russian and East European Studies

2021, Irene Fernald, “Political Ecology and Environmental Justice in the Selenga River Basin: Water Governance and Musical Culture in Mongolia and Siberia”

2021, Helene Roberts Gusman, “Je ne Parle pas Russe: The study of Russian cooperation in sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century”

2018, Toni Cross, A Tale of Two Ethnic Groups: The Legacies of Colonialism, Communism, Imperialism, and Nationalism in the Construction of Moroccan Amazigh and Russian Volga Tatar Identities

2016Katherine Baughman, Divergence of Catalan and Ukrainian Linguistic Histories,1990-2015: Political, Cultural, Economic and Demographic Factors in Language Change

2014Samuel Finkelman, Deus Conservat Omnia: Sin, Suffering and Salvation in Anna Akhmatova’s Poema bez geroya

2014Connor Wakayama, Georgia in Jeopardy: A Clash of National Interests in the 2008 August War

2013Sarah Bellingham, Political Protest in Putin’s Russia: The Case of Pussy Riot

2010David M. A. Parker, The Last Hero: Viktor Tsoi, Perestroika, and the Creation of a Cultural Icon

2008Peter Hyson, Dreams of the Caucasus Conquest and Caprice

2007Rachel Rosenfeld, Jewberia: The Struggle to Define Russian Jewish Identity in the Postmodern Period

2006, Joyce Man, Where Bear Meets Dragon: Destabilizing Forces on Today’s Stabilized Russia-China Border

2005Eric Simanek, The Business of Business: Defining Corporate Social Responsibility in Today’s Russia

South Asian Studies 

2022, Raphaella Kim, “Escaping Meritocracy: How Chinese and Korean Students Choose to Opt Out of Their Home Examination Systems”

2018Becca Brown, “A Heaven on Earth?” Gender, Human-Wildlife Conflict, and Environmental Vulnerabilities in Bengal’s Sundarbans Delta

2018, Michaela Maxwell, The Foundation of the Order of Buddhist Nuns: Interrogating Interpretations

Global Environmental Change

2024,Izi Nkusi, Angela, “Investigating the Climate and Economic Implications of the Resilience and Sustainability Facility: A Case Study of Rwanda”

2024, Tseo, Jessica (Yi-Lan), “Burning for Sovereignty: Tracing Colonial Roots of Indigenous Wildfire Vulnerability and the Path to True Fire Governance Transformation Yi-Lan”

2023, Sophie Liebel, “Paisajes por y para extranjeros: Injusticia y (In)Accesibilidad en el Desarrollo del Turismo Internacional en Chile”

Global Gender and Sexuality Studies

2023, Khasai Makhulo, “Creating Narratives of African Joy: Negotiating Identity in Africa”

2023, Eva Stanley, “Mut zu Frauen? An Analysis of Alice Weidel’s Negotiation of Gender and Sexuality in the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)”

2022.5, Mira Vance, “The “Real Men” of China: Constructions of Masculinity Through Primary School Education for the Purposes of State in Contemporary China”

2021, Matthew Hartry Martignoni, “Quotidian at the Precipice Surveillance Technologies, Carcerality and (In)visibilization in Latent Regulatory Gay-Tech Meccas” 

Global Migration and Diaspora Studies

2024, Martir, Karina, “Like Her Own:(De)Constructing Film Portrayals of Migrant Filipina Nannies & Their Migrant Agency on the Global Stage”

2021, Yamit Netter-Sweet, “Drought: The Primary Cause of Migration Preceding the Syrian Civil War”

Global Security Studies

2024, Armor, Sydney, “Women’s and LGBTQ+ Rights in Namibia: Colonialism, Decolonization, and Human Rights”

2024, Drachman, Eli, “The Rebirth of Israel-Palestine: A Roadmap to De-Escalating a Protracted Ethnic Conflict”

2024, Evangelidis, Alex, “Das Leben nach der Wende: Geschichten der mosambikanischen und vietnamesischen Vertragssarbeiter:innen”

2024, Gonzalez-Williamson, Camilo, “Losing Control of Private Military Companies in Combat: An Analysis of The Wagner Rebellion and Beyond”

2024, Goodman, Kate, “Membership in What Now?: A Case for Particular Social Group Reform in the United States”

2023, Elizabeth Cady, “Between the Bear and the Dragon: Changes to Chinese and Russian Influence in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan”

2023, Jocelyn Cedeno, “Race and Masculinity in “Deathnics”: An Exploration of the Phenomenon of Non-White Inceldom”

2023, Erin Kim, Minjung Liberation Theology in South Korea: Using Hermeneutics and Christian Praxis to Transition from Authoritarian Rule to Democratic Governance and Amplify Marginalized Voices”

2023, Patrick Kuruga Wachira, “Germany’s and Italy’s Reckoning with Blackness”

2022.5, Grace Harlan, “The Ethics of Reconstruction: A Comparative Analysis of the Marshall Plan and the U.S. Reconstruction of Afghanistan”

2022.5, Cecilia Needham, San Sante pa gen Lavi: An Ethnographic Analysis of State & NGO Healthcare Services in Centre, Haiti”

2022, Taylor Phillips, Repressing Civil Liberties in the Name of Security: A Comparison of Authoritarian and Democratic National Security Laws”

2021, Rachel Flatt, “Models of International Charm: An Analysis of Soft Power Regimes in East Asia”