Below you’ll find some of the general policies we implement at the Schools Abroad.
Grades and Transfer of Credit
Middlebury considers a semester/academic year abroad equivalent to a semester/academic year in the U.S. The normal course load for undergraduates is four or five courses/units per semester, depending on the school. This is equivalent to 16 or 15 semester credit hours, respectively, or 20 to 25 quarter hours.
The following grades are used: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F. Since our host universities do not use the same system of credits and grades as U.S. institutions, students receive U.S. equivalent credits and grades as established by the appropriate School Abroad director. Each country-specific handbook, found on the webpage of each School, includes the relevant grade conversion chart.
As part of the application process, students will need a study abroad approval form signed by you. At this point you will indicate to which address the student’s Middlebury transcript should be sent. Middlebury will send one copy of the transcript from the student’s semester(s) abroad to this address for the purpose of credit transfer. Additional copies may be requested in writing and for a fee from the Middlebury Registrar’s Office.
Middlebury participates in an e-billing system. Students receive notification at their Middlebury email address that fall semester bills are ready on or about June 1 and payment in full is due by August 1. Spring bill notification is sent on or about November 15 and payment in full is due by December 15.
Students who are enrolled after these billing dates will be billed upon enrollment and payment is due upon receipt.
Students can view their bills online where they can set up others as authorized payers. Bills may be paid online or by check payable to Middlebury College.
Upon acceptance to one of our programs, students are directed to a country-specific handbook, which has information on pre-departure, academic policies, life in the host country, health and safety, finances, and more. You may want to take a look at our General Handbook, which includes much of the same information, to see how students are prepared for their experience abroad.