Getting Started in the Major

If you want to take chemistry, but aren’t sure where to begin, find the situation below that best describes your past chemistry education and learn what we recommend. 

Which chemistry course do I start with?

Situation: I’ve never had a course in Chemistry in my life.  

Recommendation: Enroll in CHEM 0103, which assumes no prior knowledge of chemistry, although it moves briskly through some topics that are relatively straightforward and commonly covered in high school courses.

Situation: I had an average year of high school chemistry or integrated physical science. 

Recommendation: Enroll in CHEM 0103, which assumes no prior knowledge of chemistry, although it moves briskly through some topics that are relatively straightforward and commonly covered in high school courses.

Situation: I took the AP test in chemistry and earned a 3 or lower, or just didn’t take the AP test.

Recommendation: Take the placement test to see if enrolling in CHEM 0103 or CHEM 0104 is more appropriate. See the Chemistry placement test.

Situation: I took the AP test in chemistry and earned a score of 4 or 5.  

Recommendation: Enroll in CHEM 0107 (preferred) if/when offered (usually in fall) or CHEM 104.  You already have strong preparation in chemistry, and Middlebury College has automatically awarded you credit for CHEM 0103. If you enroll in CHEM 0103, you will forfeit your AP credit and be bored senseless. CHEM 0107 is a one-semester accelerated general chemistry, designed for highly prepared incoming students. CHEM 0107 is offered in the fall when it is offered, and is only open to first year students; unfortunately, we cannot offer CHEM 0107 every year. If it is not offered, you should take the standard second semester course, CHEM 0104.  If you do so, you will find much, if not most of the course review, so this is not recommended.  However, you will not forfeit any AP credit with this choice.

Situation: I took and scored well on the British system “A-Levels”, or the International Baccalaureate High Level Exams. 

Recommendation: After giving some consideration to your laboratory experience, register for CHEM 0107 or CHEM 0203 Organic Chemistry I. Upon submission of your paperwork, you will be awarded transfer credit for CHEM 0103 and 0104 for your past work, but students often feel a bit lost in organic chemistry laboratory if they come in with relatively little previous laboratory experience.  So – if your past chemistry experience included a good deal of laboratory experience, feel free to jump into CHEM 0203. If you have relatively little laboratory experience, CHEM 0107 is a better call. By registering for CHEM 0107, you will lose a transfer credit, which may have consequences if you wanted to work towards early graduation or to take a reduced course load in a future semester.

Major Planning Worksheets

All Chemistry majors should use these forms as they plan out the timing of their major coursework. Please enter the semester the course was taken or will be taken. For any electives, please also enter the course number. It is helpful to bring this completed form to your meeting with your advisor. See also our information about Getting Started in the Major.

Review the major requirements and list of cognate courses.

Careers in the Field

Discover what’s next with the Center for Careers and Internships (CCI)! As you embark on your post-Middlebury journey, CCI’s staff is available to help guide you.

  • Explore their comprehensive Major Guides, which provide suggestions for campus involvement, internships, and real-life career examples of Middlebury alumni.
  • Connect with alumni and professionals worldwide through Midd2Midd, Middlebury’s exclusive networking platform designed to foster meaningful mentorships and industry connections.
  • Navigate the various career paths associated with your major through CCI’s Career Communities Pages, offering valuable advice from our advisors and tailored recommendations for jobs, and internships.
  • Stay updated on the latest job and internship opportunities with Handshake, ensuring you never miss a chance to gain practical experience in your chosen field.

Library Services

Periodic Tables

Useful Forms