Additional past project statements are available from the Environmental Studies Program department.

Spring 2024

SECTION A: The Nuts and Bolts of Change: Enacting a Just Transition in Vermont
SECTION B: From Conflict to Coexistence: Data-Driven Approaches to Human-Wildlife Interactions in Vermont

Fall 2023

SECTION A: Inclusive Paths Forward: Navigating a Sustainable Decarbonized Future for All
SECTION B: Climate Vulnerabilities and Environmental Health

Spring 2023

SECTION A: Environmental Justice at Multiple Scales
SECTION B: Exploring the Art of Possibility

Fall 2022

SECTION A: Climate Vulnerability and Environmental Health Disparities

Spring 2022

SECTION A: Climate Vulnerability and Environmental Preparedness in Vermont 
SECTION B: Seeking Justice in Vermont’s Built Environment

Fall 2021

SECTION A: Shifting Baselines on a Changing Planet—A Collaborative Past and Future Ecology of Vermont 
SECTION B: Climate Action, Resilience, and Change in Vermont

Spring 2021

SECTION A: The PFAs Problem: Where Are We and Where Do We Go From Here? 
SECTION B: Pursuing a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition

Fall 2020

Beyond Equity: Justice in (and for) the Future of Vermont

Spring 2020

SECTION A: Revisioning Sustainability, Access, and Equity in Vermont’s Forests
SECTION B: Sustainable Transportation: Access, Participation, and Independence

Fall 2019

Landscape Level Conservation in the Center-West Ecoregion

Spring 2019

SECTION A: Future of the Northern Forests
SECTION B: Vision for Vermont Collaboration

Fall 2018

Theories of Change

Spring 2017

SECTION A: Energy and Equity in Vermont
SECTION B: Designing a Model Landscape for Achieving Multiple Values

Fall 2016

A Holistic Exploration of Vermont’s Dairy Industry

Spring 2016

SECTION A: Communicating Environmental Issues-Using the Arts for Education, Inspiration, and Engagement
SECTION B: Food Systems and Sustainability

Fall 2015

Vermont’s Energy and Carbon Future

Spring 2015

Radon and Environmental Health

Fall 2014

SECTION A: Opportunities for Reducing Lead Exposure in Vermont
SECTION B: The Costs of Climate Change and the Pursuit of Well-Being

Spring 2014

SECTION A: Sustainable Transportation
SECTION B: Innovation in Rutland

Fall 2013

Imagining Our Environmental Future

Spring 2013

Transboundary Issues in Sustainability

Fall 2012

Sustainable Transportation

Spring 2012

After Irene: Management, Policy, and Adaptation