The dual-degree program with Dartmouth is a 2-1-1-1 program, meaning that students spend their junior year and a 5th year at Dartmouth. Below you will find specific information about the Dartmouth program.

GPA Requirement

There is no formal GPA requirement, though successful applicants tend to have at least a B+ average.

Prerequisite Courses

There are seven required prerequisite courses listed on Dartmouth’s Course of Study page. Translated into Middlebury courses, these are:

  • Calculus 1 and 2 (MATH 0121 and MATH 0122)
  • Vector Calculus (MATH 0223 or PHYS 0212)
  • Physics 1 (PHYS 0108 or PHYS 0109)
  • Physics 2 (PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0114)
  • Chemistry (CHEM 0103)
  • Computer Science (CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0146 or CSCI 0150 or CSCI 0190)

You are expected to complete an equivalent number of prerequisite courses. If you have placed out of these courses consult with the advisors about alternative courses. Courses beyond the minimum, e.g., in your science major or supportive of your engineering interest, are strongly recommended.


Applications are due by February 1 of the student’s sophomore year. You can find the application form on Dartmouth’s Dual-Degree Admissions page. You will need to provide a proposed program of study and a written statement explaining why you want to become an engineer. You will also need a letter of recommendation from a math or science professor who knows you well.

Also necessary is an application for domestic off-campus study with the Study Abroad office.

Financial Aid

Middlebury financial aid is transferable to Dartmouth for a limited number of students on a competitive basis for their junior year. To apply for the transfer of financial aid, please send an email to the pre-engineering advisor as well as Stacey Thebodo by February 1 indicating that you would like to transfer financial aid.


This handout provides a summary of the Dartmouth 2-1-1-1 dual-degree program.