Student Life
Studying abroad isn’t just about academics. It is equally as important to make time to engage with your host communities.
The Middlebury School in Chile encourages students to go beyond the traditional study abroad path and explore the many ways they can enrich their experience.
The suggestions on these pages are based primarily on recommendations that we’ve received from former students. These lists are by no means exhaustive; rather, they are meant merely as a starting point for exploring all of the ways you can get involved in Chile!
Dirección de Servicios Estudiantiles (DISE): A hub for student services at UDEC. Check out the different parts of the website, including DISE-Bienestar, DISE-Actividades Extraprogramáticas, and DISE-Deportes.
- Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral: Interesting cultural events, art and dance workshops, concerts and other exhibits.
- Museo Violeta Parra: Offers a number of classes, workshops, and talks focusing on culture and the arts, many of which are free!
- Organizando Trans Diversidades (OTD): A group that works to promote sexual diversity and empowerment of the transgender community in Santiago.
University-Related Activities
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Talleres extraprogramáticos
Vida Universitaria -
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Arte y Cultura
Deporte y Salud
Organizaciones Estudiantiles -
Universidad de Chile
Deportes y Actividad Física
Extensión y Cultura
Dirección de Desarrollo Estudiantil: A hub for information about student life at UFRO.
- La Gruta Actividades
- Valdiversa: A group that works to promote sexual diversity and to combat homophobia and transphobia in Valdivia.
University-Related Activities
Valparaíso and Viña del Mar
- Carnaval Mil Tambores: A fun event for students studying in Valpo and Viña during the fall semester!
- Chamber Orchestra, PUCV Conservatory: Open to young musicians in the Valpo area—no need to be a PUCV student to participate!
- Biodanza
- Club de Regatas Valparaíso: For students looking to row while in Valpo or Viña
- Sportlife Valparaíso: A chain of fitness clubs in Valpo, Viña, and other cities around the country.
University-Related Activities
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Deporte y Actividad Física
Dirección de Asuntos Estudiantiles -
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Organizaciones Estudiantiles -
Universidad Andrés Bello
Calendario de Actividades
Dirección General de Desarrollo Estudiantil -
Universidad de Playa Ancha
Dirección General de Desarrollo Estudiantil -
Universidad de Valparaíso
Cultura, Deporte y Extensión