Partners in Education
Partners in Education (PIE) is a Middlebury College Education Studies Program and Addison Central Supervisory District (ACSD) collaborative.
Its primary mission is to help support a variety of professional development opportunities that are of mutual benefit to Middlebury College pre-service teachers and ACSD in-service teachers.
The ACSD pledges to provide the Middlebury College Education Studies Program with extended opportunities for on-site field placements in ACSD classrooms for students in teacher education method courses and for the clinical preparation of pre-service teachers during the professional semester.
The Middlebury College Education Studies Program pledges to provide the ACSD schools with extended in-service professional development opportunities and resources that utilize Middlebury College facilities and personnel.
The partnership remains flexible enough to accommodate additional needs as they emerge in new education contexts.
PIE Committee
PIE is administered by a committee composed of Middlebury College faculty members and ACSD administrators. The Education Studies Program Director and an ACSD administrator co-chair the committee.
The charges of the Committee are to publicize the mission of PIE and to solicit possible professional development venues and projects from their constituencies. The Committee sets the process and application for PIE grants, and is charged with the assessment of the applications and allocation of all PIE funds.
You may apply for a PIE grant at any time. The budget for the Middlebury College Education Studies Program Contribution is $10,000 per year.