• A Reading by Vievee Francis

    Vievee Francis is the author of four books of poetry: The Shared World (Northwestern University Press, 2023); Forest Primeval (TriQuarterly Books, 2015), winner of the 2017 Kingsley Tufts Award and the Hurston Wright Legacy Award; Horse in the Dark (Northwestern University Press, 2012), winner of the Cave Canem Northwestern University Press Poetry Prize; and Blue-Tail Fly (Wayne State University Press, 2006). Forthcoming are a memoir, Ugly, and her fifth volume of poetry, Cleaning the Houses of the Dead.

    Axinn Center Abernethy Room (221)

    Open to the Public

  • ENGL Senior Thesis Readings

    Students who completed an English (literature track) thesis or a Creative Writing thesis in the 2023-2024 academic year will read from their work. Light refreshments will be served. Feel free to come and go.

    Axinn Center Abernethy Room (221)

  • New Journalism Fellowship - 2023/24 Exhibition

    Five student fellows, working under the NFJ program with journalist in residence at Davis - Sue Halpern, will be presenting their projects from this academic year, as part of a recurring yearly tradition with the Middlebury Magazine. We will be presenting 14 pre-produced podcast episodes to the audience as part of the ‘why are you here’ program.

    Axinn Center Winter Garden

    Open to the Public

  • Eleanor Paynter: "Emergency Imaginaries, Contested Witnessing, and Migrant Rights in Transnational Italy"

    Our contemporary age of migration is also a time of “crisis,” with movements from global south to global north perpetually framed in emergency terms. In Italy, these discourses are intimately tied not only to arrivals by sea, but to racialized notions of national identity and a general lack of reckoning with colonial history.

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room

    Open to the Public

  • "It Will Be Different for You" Screening

    Documentary Screening: “It Will Be Different for You.” The film is about Middlebury alum Lea Davison, an Olympic Mountain Biker. Another Middlebury Alum - of Creative Writing - Simon Perkins - co-produced the film along with Creative Writing professor Megan Mayhew Bergman.  

    Axinn Center 232

    Closed to the Public

  • Field Guide for English Students

    Connect with Midd alums at the English Field Guide.
    Presented by the Center for Careers and Internships and cosponsored by the English department, this Field Guide brings alumni back to campus to share knowledge and experience related to their post-Middlebury careers and professional lives with current students.

    On Thursday alumni join us for a panel discussion. Friday morning, our alumni guests have volunteered to hold one-on-one chats with students (Sign up in Handshake)

    Johnson Classroom 204

    Closed to the Public

  • Adrie Kusserow Poetry Reading and Discussion


    UNSETTLING THE SELF/RETHINKING TRAUMA:  Ethnographic Prose Poems on South Sudanese Refugees and American Attempts to “Heal” Them

    Axinn Center 229

    Open to the Public

  • Emily St. John Mandel in Conversation

    Acclaimed author Emily St. John Mandel will bring her work and perspectives to Middlebury College in this special reading, Q&A and book signing. 


    This event is in-person and open to the public.

    Can’t make it? A recording will be available February 16-March 1, 2024 at https://vimeo.com/911642948

    Password: EmilyMidd2024


    Wright Theatre

    Open to the Public