1) The Middlebury Student Investment Club (aka “SIC”) is an organization which centers on developing investing acumen.  Students have opportunities to serve as analysts providing coverage across various industries and sectors.   Go here to learn more: https://middsic.weebly.com/  

2) The Middlebury Consulting Group (aka “MCG”) is an organization which centers around the professional field of consulting (e.g., management, technology, economics, nonprofit—just to name a few).  The field of consulting involves not only liberal arts oriented skills but sound principles from industrial organizations.  Go here to learn more: https://www.middleburyconsultinggroup.com/

3) The Middlebury Women on Wall Street (aka “MiddWoW”) is an organization which centers around the preparation of women for various business professions (e.g., finance, consulting, marketing, etc). Go here to learn more: https://middwow.weebly.com/. 

4)  The Middlebury Diversity in Business (aka “MiddDIB”) is an organization which centers around the preparation of BIPOC/LGTBQ+ people who are interested for various business professions. Go here to learn more: https://www.midddib.org/. 

5) The Research and Investment in Sustainable Equity Group (aka “RISE”) is an organization which adopts an environmental, social, and governance related investment strategy.    Go here to learn more: https://middleburyrise.wixsite.com/rise2/about.

Thank you,

Tim Nguyen, Professor & Director