The purpose of the Global Health minor is to encourage students to take an interdisciplinary perspective when thinking about global health problems.

The minor in Global Health is more flexible than many other majors and minors on campus. Students design a course of study within the minor that fits their own educational goals. Choosing courses therefore requires substantial thought and planning on the part of the student.

The minor in Global Health is available to students who complete the courses listed below. No course for the minor may also count towards a student’s major. No more than two courses taken from the same department may count towards the minor.


All students must take a total of five courses for the minor:

(1) the core course:

GHLT 0257 Global Health

(2) One of the following methods courses (if the methods requirement is met through coursework for a major, students may substitute an additional elective in place of a methods class):

  • ANTH 0302 The Research Process: Ethnography and Qualitative Methods
  • BIOL 0211 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis
  • ECON 0111 Economic Statistics 
  • ECON 0211 Regression Analysis
  • ECON 0311 Causal Inference
  • GEOG 0251 Mapping Global Environmental Change
  • GEOG 0261 Human Geography with GIS
  • GEOG 0281 Place Based Data and Analysis
  • GHLT 0232 Principles of Epidemiology
  • PSCI 1130 Statistics for Social Sciences
  • PSYC 0201 Psychological Statistics
  • SOCI 0385 Social Statistics
  • STAT 0116 Introduction to Statistical Science
  • STAT 0118 Introduction to Data Science
  • STAT 0201 Adv Intro to Stat and Data Science

(3) Three elective courses; no more than one course may be a 0100-level course. Classes that count as electives are listed on the “Courses” tab. Please note, different requirements apply to students matriculating in the fall of 2024 or later.

Petition for Course Credit

Many other appropriate courses exist on campus, depending on the educational goals of a particular student. Courses may be substituted for the methods or elective courses with the approval of the program director. Approval requires submission of a petition for course credit form. Approval of a course for minor credit requires the student to show that they made connections between the course material and their study of Global Health, for example by writing a final paper on a public health topic. Students must turn in this paper or other approved course material for review for credit.

Declaring the Minor

To declare the minor, submit a minor declaration form ideally before the end of your sophomore year but no later than one week before the end of the add period of your seventh semester at Middlebury.

In addition, students minoring in Global Health are strongly encouraged to take advantage of Middlebury’s resources by studying abroad, preferably in a program with health-related courses, and by becoming proficient in a foreign language.