The linguistics minor consists of a minimum of five courses: two required introductory level courses and three electives.

Required courses for the minor are as follows:
LNGT 0101 Introduction to Linguistics or LNGT/ANTH 0125 Language Structure and Function
LNGT 0102 Introduction to Sociolinguistics or LNGT/ANTH 0109 Language, Culture, Society

Electives include the following:

LNGT 0101 Introduction to Linguistics
LNGT 0102 Introduction to Sociolinguistics
LNGT/EDST 0107 Introduction to TESOL
LNGT 0109 Language, Culture, Society
ANTH/LNGT 0125 Language Structure & Function
LNGT 0206 Narratives in News Media
JAPN/LNGT 0210 Japanese Linguistics (taught in English)
ANTH 0212 Origins of Writing 
ARBC/LNGT 0227 Arabic Sociolinguistics (taught in English)
LNGT 0226 Phonetics and Phonology
APN/LNGT 231 Emotion in Japanese, Spoken and Unspoken (taught in English)
FREN/LNGT 0233 History of French Language (taught in French)
LNGT 0242 Non-Native Speakers
LNGT 0243 How Languages are Learned
LNGT 0250 Morphology and Syntax
LNGT 0280 Semantics, Logic and Cognition
CHNS/LNGT 0270 Chinese Sociolinguistics  (taught in English)
SPAN/LNGT 0303 Introduction to Spanish Phonetics/Pronunciation (taught in Spanish)
JAPN/LNGT 0310 Variation & Change in Japanese (taught in English)
SPAN/LNGT 0322 Hispanic Linguistics (taught in Spanish)
FREN/LNGT 0337 French Language and Society (taught in French)
PSYC 0344 Introduction to Psycholinguistics (only via waiver from the instructor)
PHIL/LNGT 0354 Philosophy of Language
GRMN/LNGT 0370 German Linguistics (taught in German)
SPAN/LNGT 0390 Linguistic Variation (taught in Spanish)
ANTH/LNGT 0395 Environmental Communication
ANTH/LNGT 0396 Linguistic Anthropology Method
SPAN/LNGT 0422 Hispanic Bilingualism (taught in Spanish)
SPAN/LNGT 0426 Spanish in the US (taught in Spanish)
CSCI 0457 Natural Language Processing (only via waiver from the instructor for the major restriction, but students must meet the course’s prerequisites)
ANTH/LNGT 0495 Language and the Environment
LNGT 0500 Independent Work
WRPR/LNGT 0110 English Grammar: Concepts & Controversies
WRPR 0102: The English Language in a Global Context
LNGT 1230 Data Science Across Disciplines
LNGT 1304 Mayan Language Revitalization

Note: Students are advised to check with the director for a complete list of courses that count as electives. All electives are taught in English, unless otherwise indicated.