Faculty and Staff
Usama Soltan
Surdna Professor of Linguistics and Arabic
- Email:
- usoltan@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5869
- Office:
- Voter Hall 016
- Office Hours:
- FALL 2024: Office hours are currently by appointment only and via Zoom. Please email Prof. Soltan to set up an appointment.
Academic Coordinator
Danielle Denis
Academic Coordinator: German, Japanese, Russian, Linguistics and Studies in Modern Hebrew and Israeli Society
- Email:
- ddenis@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5532
- Office:
- FIC Freeman 218
- Office Hours:
- In Office: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:15-2:00, Remote: Wednesday 8:15-2:00
Sayaka Abe
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies and Linguistics, Chair of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- sabe@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5486
- Office:
- Axinn 331
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Tuesday 2:30-5:30 p.m. and by appointment.
Brandon Baird
Associate Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies & Linguistics
- Email:
- bbaird@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5456
- Office:
- Voter Hall 208
- Office Hours:
- On leave (winter/spring 2025)
Laura Biester
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- Email:
- lbiester@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-4217
- Office:
- 75 Shannon Room 214
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Tuesday 2-3, Wednesday 10-11, Thursday 2-3, and by appointment
Hang Du
Professor of Chinese
- Email:
- hdu@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5257
- Office:
- Voter Hall 106
- Office Hours:
- FALL 2024: Tuesday 3:45-5:15PM; Friday 11:00AM-12:30PM, or by appointment.
Florence Feiereisen
Professor of German
- Email:
- ffeierei@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5820
- Office:
- FIC 230
- Office Hours:
- Fall 2024: Tuesday 12:30-1:30 & Wednesday 8:45-9:45
Karin Hanta
Director Feminist Resources Center and Chellis House
- Email:
- khanta@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5937
- Office:
- Chellis House 3
- Office Hours:
- Summer 2019: N/A
Laura Lesta García
Assistant Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies
- Email:
- llestagarcia@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5923
- Office:
- Voter Hall 206
- Office Hours:
- By appointment
Stefano Mula
Dept. Chair/Professor of Italian
- Email:
- smula@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5530
- Office:
- Voter Hall 115
- Office Hours:
- WINTER 2025: Thursdays 10-11a.m. and by appointment.
Marybeth Nevins
Associate Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- mnevins@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5019
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 110
- Office Hours:
- Winter 2025: Monday, 2pm-3pm; Wednesday, 3pm-4pm; Friday, 1pm-2pm
Olga Parshina
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology and PSYC Community Coordinator
- Email:
- oparshina@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-2580
- Office:
- McCardell Bicen Hall 275
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Tuesdays 11:00am - 12:30pm; Thursdays 11:00am - 12:30pm; and by appointment
Marcos Rohena-Madrazo
Associate Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies & Linguistics
- Email:
- mrm@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5659
- Office:
- Carr Hall 207
- Office Hours:
- By appointment
Thor Sawin
Associate Dean of Language Schools for Curriculum
- Email:
- tsawin@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (831) 647-4110
- Office:
- 207 Sunderland Hall, Middlebury
Shawna Shapiro
Professor of Writing and Linguistics
- Email:
- sshapiro@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5977
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 119
- Office Hours:
- Fall 24 - T/Th 11:10-12pm and 3:40-4:20pm
John Spackman
Professor of Philosophy
- Email:
- jspackma@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-3271
- Office:
- Twilight Hall 309
- Office Hours:
- S25: on leave
Gyula Zsombok
Assistant Professor of French & Francophone Studies
- Email:
- gzsombok@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-3044
- Office:
- Le Chateau 103
- Office Hours:
- On Academic leave 24-25