Public Philosophy Week

There are over 40+ plus public events happening throughout the state, including three talks in Middlebury, listed below. These are casual, fun and short events. Spread the word and bring your friends! You can check out the full listing of events here: 

The Missing Piece of the Good Life
Prof Lorraine Besser will present her research on psychological richness and talk about how you can make your life better by making it more interesting.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Ilsley Public Library

Should We Geoengineer the Planet in Response to Climate Change?
By now it’s well established that we’re experiencing real dangers from climate change, yet meaningful global action to minimize its harms so far hasn’t materialized. One radical solution is to engineer the planet’s climate systems to lower global temperatures. Join Professor Tim Juvshik to discuss ethical questions about the costs, risks, and benefits of these technical fixes to the climate change problem.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
7:00 PM  8:00 PM
Ilsley Public Library, Community Meeting Room

Aristotle on Friendship and Justice: Contemporary Lessons from Ancient Greece
While we generally assume that friendship is a private question, Aristotle argued that friendship should play a central role in ethics, civics, and politics. Justice should be friendly, not punitive, on Aristotle’s view. Law-makers should cultivate civic friendship as much as justice. Join Professor Matty Woodruff to discuss: How does Aristotelian civic friendship knit together the social fabric? What lessons can we learn today from these ancient Greek ideals?
Saturday, April 20, 2024
3:00 PM- 4:00 PM
Little Seed Café (lower-level room)
24 Merchants Row

Philosophy Club

The student-run Philosophy Club hosts events throughout the semester. If you would like to learn more about what we are planning or suggest an idea for an event, please contact us at

Statements of Solidarity

We are committed to being a welcoming and inclusive department for students from all backgrounds, especially BIPOC students. See our Black Lives Matter statement.

Lorraine Besser

Congratulations Professor Besser 

Professor Lorraine Besser has been awarded funding from the New England Humanities Consortium (NEHC), which includes Middlebury, to support a Public Philosophy Writing Workshop. The collaborative workshop will bring together a group of philosophers from NEHC institutions who are interested in writing about critical philosophical ideas and insights for a public audience.