Early Decision 2 Students, Confirm Your Enrollment Deposit by March 1, 2025
Aerial view of Middlebury campus on a fall day.

Middlebury Says Yes!

Congratulations! You’re one of the new members of our Class of 2029 and 2029.5. Here’s what you need to do to finalize your enrollment and get started at Middlebury. 

Let’s Go

Choose Middlebury

Explore what’s waiting for you here at Middlebury College.

A video montage with music playing from beginning to end. There is text on screen at the following time stamps.

The future you want starts with the college you choose.


Choose Possibility

Choose Community

Choose Self-discovery

Choose A college that…

Sparks your curiosity

Ignites your passions

Choose to be part of something fun

Choose to be part of something challenging

Choose to be part of life-changing

Audible Cheer

Choose Vermont

Choose The World

The future you want starts with the college you choose.

Choose Middlebury


Congratulations and Welcome

Nicole Curvin, dean of admissions, is glad you’re here.

Thank you for applying as an early decision applicant, and congratulations on your admission to Middlebury! I’m Nicole Curvin, Middlebury’s vice president of strategic enrollment and dean of admissions. I’ve read your application, and I know you’re ready for the challenges and opportunities that come from being a student here.

This is the start of a new and exciting connection with the world. You’re going to discover new ways of thinking and learning. You’re going to discover new people—Middlebury students come from every state in the United States and more than 60 different countries. You’re going to discover what an open, welcoming, and beautiful place Vermont is, and you’re going to have experiences that allow you to go far during your four years as a student. 

Most importantly, you’re going to discover where you belong—because YOU belong at Middlebury, and your addition to our community is going to make us even better.

I can’t wait to have you join us. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Save the Date Sunday, April 13 to Monday, April 14

Join us on campus for Preview Day to get a taste of the Middlebury experience this spring. Whether you arrive on Sunday afternoon for optional programming or bright and early Monday morning, Preview Day will let you connect with your future college community. More details to come! 


What do Middlebury students and faculty have to say? Get a first look at life and learning at Middlebury.

I definitely chose Middlebury for three main reasons. The location, community, and academics. Location, because coming from Queens, New York, you get to appreciate the fall, winter, and spring year. And seeing them shift from one to the other is just gorgeous. And the view of the Green and Adirondack Mountains too is incredible as you walk to class. Makes you feel like you’re in a movie. And community because you get to form these deep personal connections with your professors, your peers, and even the townspeople, once you become the regulars to their shops during the year. And academics, because as a STEM major, like me, you get to have way more opportunities for undergraduate research with professors because Middlebury only has an undergraduate population, so there’s no competition with graduate students. So that’s definitely a plus.

A first-year seminar is a course, every first-year takes it. It’s a course designed to get you involved in the liberal arts education and what the liberal arts actually looks like. A lot of these courses are unique and are something that professors are interested in but don’t often teach. For instance, I teach a course called the Language of Conspiracy Theories, which is a fun course where we study why do conspiracy theories exist, where do they exist in the 21st century, and why do they keep popping up. Those are the types of courses that you’ll be taking with your first-year seminar. They’re a great way for you to engage with peers in your new class. Your first-year seminar professor is also your advisor. So it’s a great way to get you involved with your first-year experience here at Middlebury and to get you set up for the rest of your academic career. Next I wanna talk to just quickly about choosing a major. This is my third year at the College, and I can say that I’ve been surprised how many students show up, they have a major in mind. They know what they want to do in life. And then after a semester, maybe a year, they’ve completely changed their mind. They’ll go from something that, oh, they were all about science, and now they wanna do something a little liberal arts. Or vice versa. So to find a major, we really suggest taking a broad array of classes. Really exploring the possibilities of what interests you. And you’ll be surprised by what you might want to major in. It’s okay if you have a major already in mind when you get here, and maybe that stays your major. Maybe the major changes. Or maybe you don’t have a major in mind, and that’s great as well. The great thing is you’ll focus on taking different sorts of courses and working with your professor to find the best major for you.

Middlebury students pursue a wide variety of opportunities after they graduate, but we’re lucky in that we have our Center for Careers and Internships to help students navigate that process. Whether it’s attending our various resume and cover letter workshops throughout the year, or connecting with our array of advisors on staff to help direct you with specific questions or in a direction with specific opportunities, there are a variety of resources at your disposal. I personally got a job kind of at the intersection of healthcare and technology, and I used our Middlebury version of LinkedIn to connect me with our extensive alumni network to find and land that opportunity. I have other friends that have gone to med school and law school, others that have opportunities at Google and Goldman Sachs. Whatever direction you are interested in, there’ll be someone that can help support you through that process and land that job post grad.

Hi everyone, my name is Catherine Heckler. I’m a sophomore Feb here at Middlebury from Atlanta, Georgia, majoring in American Studies and Geography. I was so excited to be able to be a Feb here at Middlebury because being a Feb means that you get a little time off before you come to college, so I spent my Febmester hiking for 70 days in the western United States with a group of people I never would’ve gotten to meet otherwise. And then I came home and I worked in a thrift store in my hometown for a couple months before coming to college. Coming to Middlebury, all the Febs were housed in one dorm together so you really get that sense of specific Feb community from the first day. And once everyone else came back to campus after February break, I was able to feel the incredible sense of camaraderie within the other Feb classes! One of my favorite parts about being here on campus is that I can see another Feb, a junior Feb, a senior Feb, or even the new Febs that are coming soon, and be like “oh my gosh, you’re a Feb!” And there’s sort of just this instant connection within the class which is fantastic, while still being integrated into the rest of your class year with the September admits.

Middlebury is one of the few universities in the United States that is both need-blind and meets 100 percent of demonstrated financial need. This means that when you’re on campus for your four years, the financial aid office is both flexible and accessible. And once you’re at Middlebury for your four years, you have opportunities to take advantage of the financial resources that the College has. This can come in the form of free J-term skiing lessons that are offered at the Snowbowl, or free outing programs given by the Middlebury Mountain Club.

As an institution, Middlebury supports inclusivity on campus. For example, first gen, low income first-year students have access to a preorientation program called First@Midd which specifically supports them in their transition into higher education. And beyond that, all year round, students have access to plenty of affinity spaces on campus, such as LASA, the Latin American Student Association, as well as BSU, the Black Student Union, and so many others. And beyond that, Middlebury has a financial commitment to supporting inclusivity. For example, right now, I am currently pursuing an unpaid internship in Costa Rica that I otherwise would not have been able to pursue had it not been for Middlebury’s commitment to inclusivity in so many different ways.

To You. Vermont. The World. Middlebury.

Deposit by March 1, 2025