Students walking at night with headlamps looking in grass

Studying abroad isn’t just about academics. It is equally as important to make time to engage with your host communities.

The Middlebury School in Italy encourages students to go beyond the traditional study abroad path and explore the many ways they can enrich their experience.  Click on one of the following links to find information specific to each host city: Florence, Rome

Students may also wish to explore book, movie, and music recommendations listed on the School in Italy’s Pre-Immersion website here.

Excursions and Local Travel

The School in Italy organizes one to two excursions per semester, offered at a subsidized rate. Additionally, optional day trips and cultural activities are planned throughout the semester. Each site offers plenty to see and do in the way of museums, churches, and other historical and cultural attractions. Students are also encouraged to explore the regional and culture diversity of Italy on their own or with friends, as their academic schedule permits. Find more information about local travel.

Language Tandems

A language tandem is an excellent way to better your speaking abilities. The program will put students in touch with an Italian language partner for an Italian-English conversation exchange and organize a first meeting. Future meetings are arranged and organized independently by the students. Having a language partner is a good way of meeting Italians and getting to know the Italian culture.


Florence is the embodiment of the Renaissance, which began in Tuscany during the fourteenth century and continued to influence the region and ultimately the world for four hundred years. Now a bustling city filled with piazze, cafes, and museums, the culture of Florence is ideally suited for studying abroad. And while Florence welcomes large numbers of international students each year, students at the School in Italy are noteworthy for their linguistic proficiency and their commitment to cultural immersion.

Middlebury’s Sede is situated in the academic heart of the old city, an area bustling with coffee shops, bookstores, cultural clubs, and academic buildings. The Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, and Florence’s other main monuments are all within easy walking distance.

Local Events
Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo

Arts and Culture

Domenica al Museo (Sunday at the Museum)
Musei Civici Fiorentini
Exibart Eventi d’Arte in Italia
Accademia d’Arte Firenze
Accademia di Belle Arti
Metallo Nobile
Abbey Road Music Firenze
Il Trillo Scuola di Musica e Arte
Spazio C.U.R.E. Lab Band Rock Academy
Scuola Toscana
Centro Machiavelli

Outdoor and Physical Activities

Trekking Italia
Andare a Zonzo
Canottieri Comunali Firenze
Firenze Ciclabile
Gruppo Ambiente Trekking le Torri
Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti
Elenco Impianti Sportivi a Firenze


Palestra Ginnastica Fiorentina Libertas
Palestra Ricciardi

Social Media

Italia Middlebury: The official Facebook page of the Middlebury School in Italy.

Erasmus Firenze: Erasmus is an EU-wide student exchange program and its Facebook page features a number of events and activities happening in Florence and the surrounding area that students can take advantage of (you don’t have to be a part of the Erasmus Programme to participate).

Meetup: This is a website where you can find groups of people with interested in just about anything, including music, art, dancing, crafting, language exchanges and more!

Social Street: Some neighborhoods and streets have created Facebook groups. Their goal is to promote good neighborly practices, socialize with neighbors, share needs, carry out collective projects, and foster stronger neighborhoods.

Cercasi Musicisti di Firenze: Gruppo di Facebook dedicato a tutti i musicisti di Firenze in cerca di gruppo o di persone per un gruppo già avviato.

Annunci Musica Firenze: Gruppo di Facebook nato per favorire scambi di strumenti musicali e annunci di musicisti nella provincia di Firenze. Chiunque può pubblicare gli annunci di ricerca/vendita di strumenti musicali usati e/o cercare componenti per gruppi musicali.