Professor leading field work on the river.

Middlebury College is committed to helping you become effective and successful teachers, educators, and scholars. The College is concerned about the development of faculty at every stage in a professional career—from the early years, to those of the mid-career, to those of the most senior faculty.

Faculty development initiatives at Middlebury are simultaneously centralized and dispersed. At the center of these efforts is the dean for faculty development and research and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research (CTLR), but there are a rich array of offices, centers, and initiatives that offer funding, programming, and services to advance professional development.

Research Support

Middlebury seeks to support its faculty as they embark on specific projects and develop as scholars and creative artists. That support consists of funding, assistance in obtaining grants and fellowships, writing and reading groups, the expertise of staff specialists, and much more. See a listing of opportunities for faculty and course development funds.

Academic Leaves

Academic leaves are designed to enhance the scholarly and teaching capacity of our faculty.


The College supports the professional development of all faculty, no matter rank or years of experience. While much mentoring happens at the departmental and program levels, there are other vehicles for professional development. All new faculty participate in mentoring groups, involving new and more seasoned colleagues. One goal of our professional development efforts is to support faculty undergoing reviews. Before the first review, each faculty member consults with the department chair or program director and another senior colleague. The dean for faculty development and research hosts a post-review consultation for each successful candidate in the third-year review with the department chair or program director to help chart a path forward. Middlebury has also taken out an institutional membership with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, which opens up mentoring and professional development opportunities with colleagues outside of the College.

Faculty on both regular and term appointments are subject to periodic reviews by either the Promotions Committee or the Reappointments Committee. The principles and procedures governing faculty reviews are described in detail in the faculty handbook, and all participants in reviews should consider that the definitive source on review procedures.

See the rules of appointment and tenure for academic faculty.

Time and Effort Forms

Time and Effort is managed by Grants Accounting. For further information, contact Grants Accounting.  

Download the Time and Effort Form

Relevant Resources

Dean for Faculty Development and Research

Jim Ralph

Dean of the Faculty; Rehnquist Professor of American History and Culture

Old Chapel 204
Office Hours:
Fall 2024: Old Chapel 204, by appointment