The Film and Media Culture Department provides a number of useful resources and links to help with your time in college and after graduation.
Research Database
The Middlebury Library has compiled a detailed research guide for FMMC, with links to key databases and strategies for finding information for class assignments. The FMMC Department works with the library to maintain a collection of over 10,000 DVDs and Blu-ray film and television titles to be used for teaching and research.
Careers and Internships
Students regularly do internships during winter term and summers, as arranged either by the Center for Careers and Internships or through departmental connections to our alumni network.
Film Festivals
Student film and video makers are encouraged to submit their work to festivals that support student entries. If you’re interested in this opportunity, follow these links or discuss your plans with the faculty.
Film Festivals
Local Resources
- Vermont International Film Festival
- White River Indie Films
- New England Film Independent Film and Video News
Production Hub
The production hub for the Middlebury College Film and Media Culture Department acts as a clearinghouse for all things production.