Theses will normally be Fall/Winter, or Winter/Spring, though with permission of the advisors they may be Spring/Fall or Fall/Spring. Failure to meet deadlines will result in the denial of Honors.

Spring 2024/Fall 2024

Declaration of Thesis Advisors  (via email to IPE Director) End of the third day of classes (by February 14, 2024)
First joint meeting with both advisors Coordinated by students before the end of the second week of classes (by February 23, 2024)
First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors  End of third week of spring term classes (by March 1, 2024)
Second joint meeting with both advisors Scheduled by students between submitting First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography and Final Prospectus and Bibliography 
Final Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors and IPE Director End of fifth week of classes (by March 15, 2024)
Draft of First Section (length and content to be negotiated with advisors) End of tenth week of classes (by April 26, 2024)
Penultimate Draft of Full Thesis End of eighth week of fall term classes (by November 1, 2024)
Final Version of Full Thesis (Printed version to advisors, PDF to coordinator & IPE Director) Monday of the last full week of fall term classes (by December 2, 2024)
Oral Defense No later than the Friday of the week following submission of the Final Version: December 6, 2024

Fall 2024/Winter 2025 

Declaration of Thesis Advisors (via email to IPE Director) No later than the end of the first full week of classes (by September 13, 2024)
First joint meeting with both advisors Coordinated by students before the end of the second full week of classes (by September 20, 2024)
First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors  End of third full week of classes (by September 27, 2024)
Second joint meeting with both advisors Scheduled by students between submitting First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography and Final Prospectus and Bibliography 
Final Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors and IPE Director End of fifth full week of classes (by October 11, 2024)
Draft of First Section (length and content to be negotiated with advisors) End of eighth full week of classes (by November 1, 2024)
Penultimate Draft of Full Thesis End of last day of fall term exam period (by Monday, December 16, 2024)
Final Version of Full Thesis (Printed version to advisors, PDF to coordinator & IPE Director) End of third week of winter term classes (by January 24, 2025)
Poster Session

January 29, 2025 at 2:30 pm

Axinn Winter Garden (held jointly with Economics)  

Oral Defense No later than the last day of winter term classes: (by January 31, 2025)

Fall 2024/Spring 2025


Declaration of Thesis Advisors (via email to IPE Director) No later than the end of the first full week of classes (by September 13, 2024)
First joint meeting with both advisors Coordinated by students before the end of the second week of classes (by September 20, 2024)
First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors  End of third week of winter term classes (by September 27, 2024)
Second joint meeting with both advisors Scheduled by students between submitting First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography and Final Prospectus and Bibliography 
Final Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors and IPE Director End of fifth week of classes (by October 11, 2024)
Draft of First Section (length and content to be negotiated with advisors) Tuesday of the tenth week of classes (by November 12, 2024)
Penultimate Draft of Full Thesis End of eighth week of spring term classes (by April 11, 2025)
Final Version of Full Thesis (Printed version to advisors, PDF to coordinator & IPE Director) Monday, May 12, 2025
Poster Session TBD (held jointly with Economics)
Oral Defense No later than the Friday of the week following submission of the Final Version: May 16, 2025

Winter 2025/Spring 2025

Declaration of Thesis Advisors (via email to IPE Director) End of the third day of classes (by January 8, 2025)
First joint meeting with both advisors Coordinated by students before the end of the second week of classes (by January 17, 2025)
First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors  End of third week of winter term classes (by January 24, 2025)
Second joint meeting with both advisors Scheduled by students between submitting First Draft of Prospectus and Bibliography and Final Prospectus and Bibliography 
Final Prospectus and Bibliography to advisors and IPE Director End of first week of spring term classes (by February 14, 2025)
Draft of First Section (length and content to be negotiated with advisors) End of fourth week of spring term classes (by March 7, 2025)
Penultimate Draft of Full Thesis End of eighth week of spring term classes (by April 11, 2025)
Final Version of Full Thesis (Printed version to advisors, PDF to coordinator & IPE Director) Sunday, May 11, 2025
Poster Session TBD (held jointly with Economics)
Oral Defense No later than the EOD Thursday of the week following submission of the Final Version: May 15, 2025