Faculty and Staff
Sayaka Abe
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies and Linguistics, Chair of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- sabe@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5486
- Office:
- Axinn 331
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Tuesday 2:30-5:30 p.m. and by appointment.
Kyoko Davis
Senior Lecturer in Japanese
- Email:
- kdavis@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5157
- Office:
- FIC Freeman LF01C
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Tuesday 1:00-3:00 p.m. and Thursday 12:40-1:40 p.m.
Otilia Milutin
Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- omilutin@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5570
- Office:
- FIC Freeman LF01B
- Office Hours:
- Fall 2024: Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-2:00 p.m. or by appointment
Masa Takahashi
Senior Lecturer in Japanese
- Email:
- mtakahas@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-3251
- Office:
- FIC Freeman LF01D
- Office Hours:
- Fall 2024: Tuesday & Wednesday 2:15pm-3:45pm
Xiaoyu Wang
Visiting Assistant Professor of Japanese
- Email:
- xw1@middlebury.edu
- Office:
- FIC LF001E
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Monday and Wednesday 3:45-5:15 p.m. or by appointment.
Linda White
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- lwhite@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5680
- Office:
- FIC 221
- Office Hours:
- On leave 2024-2025 academic year
Stephen Snyder
VP for AA & Dean of Lang Sch; Kawashima Prof of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- ssnyder@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5979
- Office:
- Sunderland Language Center 209
- Office Hours:
- By appointment, arranged through Laura Bachand at lbachand@middlebury.edu
Shiori Sekine
Assistant in Japanese Studies
- Email:
- ssekine@middlebury.edu
- Office:
- GFD 157
- Office Hours:
- Available by appointment at The Japanese House
Carole Cavanaugh
Kawashima Professor Emerita of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- cavanaug@middlebury.edu
- Office Hours:
- by appointment.
Nobuo Ogawa
Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- ogawa@middlebury.edu
- Office Hours:
- Professor Ogawa has retired.
Academic Coordinator
Danielle Denis
Academic Coordinator: German, Japanese, Russian, Linguistics and Studies in Modern Hebrew and Israeli Society
- Email:
- ddenis@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5532
- Office:
- FIC Freeman 218
- Office Hours:
- In Office: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:15-2:00, Remote: Wednesday 8:15-2:00