Intentional Living House
In this special interest house, we strive to live intentionally in a diverse, mindful, and inclusive community.
This means that everyone who signs on is agreeing to think about everyone else—including Meeker residents, our custodial staff, the administration, and the wider Middlebury community.
We understand that within the academic atmosphere of the college it is difficult to take time to appreciate all the people who are brought together here. Our common room serves as a place to slow down and create a home through ongoing conversation about our education and the way we live. We are curious about the world and want to support one another while bringing our education into a living dialogue.

Six years ago, the idea of the Intentional Living House was started with the hope of creating a space to live intentionally in a diverse, mindful, and inclusive community. Over the past six years, we’ve hosted international dinners, conversations with professors, group meditation, poetry readings, and house events ranging from prom parties to Mt. Mansfield hikes.
We’ve also made an effort to get to know our custodial staff and our wider Vermont community, whether through helping out at community supper or at a Habitat for Humanity build. Every semester we hold breakfast with custodial and are conscious of how our actions affect their work.
Many members enter the house only knowing a select few, but over time, grew to become a part of a close-knit and supportive community. Living in this house is a time commitment, and is only as meaningful as the work each member puts in.
Applications for Meeker are due March 10th:
If you would like more general information on residing in an interest house, please visit Residential Life. For information about the Intentional Living House, contact the following:
John Spackman
Associate Professor of Philosophy
House Advisor
Ken Jin
Student Coordinator