Applied Studies in Health Track
At the Universidad Andrés Bello, students have the opportunity to directly enroll alongside Chilean nursing students and learn about the local public health system firsthand. This track is a specialized option for Applied Studies in Health. Students not interested in enrolling in a track may opt to participate in our standard, direct-enrollment program.
The Universidad Andrés Bello is located in Viña del Mar, just across the bay from the larger city of Valparaíso.
As part of the Applied Studies in Health track (formerly the Pre-Med track), students have access to clinical simulations, both with computer-based scenarios and in laboratories, carried out with a cohort of Chilean students. This is a rare opportunity for guaranteed access to clinical experience within the Chilean public health system.
The Applied Studies in Health track includes the following courses (students will take four (4) of the following options, plus the Middlebury course, Writing for Linguistic and Cultural Competence). Although it is not required, it is strongly recommended that students have taken foundational, college-level courses in Biology, Chemistry, and/or Anatomy and Physiology as a precursor to this track. Syllabi are available upon request.
First Semester (Spring)
- Enfermería en la Promoción y la Prevención en Salud
- Salud Pública I
- Enfermería en Ciclo Vital
- Fisiología (audit/non-credit only)
- Internship at the Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM)*
- Independent Study in Health**
Second Semester (Fall)
- Socioantropología (con un enfoque en salud)
- Psicología evolutiva
- Bases de Enfermería en Salud Familiar y Comunitaria
- Bases del Cuidado de Enfermería
- Internship at the Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM)*
- Independent Study in Health**
*Students interested in interning must verify that their home institutions will accept academic credit for an internship. General internship application procedures and deadlines will apply.
**Students interested in an independent study must verify that their home institutions will accept academic credit for an independent study. Students will be asked to contact the advisor for the School in Chile before the program begins to arrange an independent study.
Pre-Med Track
Coming soon