Student and Faculty Work
Fall 2023

Sonam Choedon ’25 and Mehr Sohal ’26 designed and edited the most recent volume of the Yemen Update (vol. 56, 2023), the journal of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies. Sonam and Mehr worked as digital editors under the supervision of Professor Sam Liebhaber.
Fall 2021

In cooperation between the Arabic and Portuguese departments and students, we talked and learned about the Arabic influence in Brazilian food.

Students Sophie Leathers ’22 and Willie Thacker ’23 talked about the Arabic culture in Andalusia.

Olives have an important role in food culture across the Mediterranean, and in Arab countries olives loom large. The olive harvest season begins in late October and continues into November, so at this time of the year markets are filled with olives, and families are out in force buying them. You will learn more about the customs and traditions associated with this season, with me, a Palestinian student at Middlebury, Abdulrahma Abbas ’24.

Professor Dima Ayoub and Priyanjali Sinha ’18 are working on a project to expand a database on paratexts of Arabic literature in translation. Read about the project.
Students in the News
- Ellen Bevier ’16 and Cassandra Wanna ’16 on work with refugees in Jordan.
- Helena Hlavaty ’16 talking about Arabizi.