Careers After Middlebury
One of the great benefits of a liberal arts education is the range of pursuits for which it prepares students.
The Center for Careers and Internships
To help our students think about and plan their careers after Middlebury, our department has a Center for Careers and Internships (CCI) liaison, Tim Mosehauer. He will meet with any of our students whether they have no idea what they want to do after graduation or whether they have a clear idea and only want minimal guidance. He can also provide help with finding summer internships. He can also be reached at (802) 443-5105 or
Range of Careers
“What can you do with a Classics major?”
According to one former student, “Anything.” Read more about Our Alumni.
Our students go on to a wide range of careers including the following and more:
- Teaching
- Law
- Medicine
- Journalism
- Architecture
- Farming
- Business
- Banking
- Music
- Museums