Useful Links
Greek and Latin Dictionaries
- Liddell, Scott, and Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ) at Perseus Digital Library (downloadable)
- Liddel and Scott, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon at Perseus Digital Library.
- Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictionary at Perseus Digital Library
- Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary at Perseus Digital Library
Greek and Latin Texts
- Bibliotheca Augustana (Greek, Latin, and other texts)
- The Latin Library (Latin only)
- Lacus Curtius. Contains translations and original texts of many Roman historical works
- The Chicago Homer
Recitals of Greek and Latin
- Greek and Latin Poetry Recital (Harvard)
Translations of Greek and Latin Texts
- Perseus Digital Library. Contains most Classical Greek and Latin authors
- MIT Archive . Contains many Greek and Latin authors
- Lacus Curtius. Contains Latin and translation of many Roman historical texts
- Brill’s New Jacoby Text, translation and commentary of the fragments of th Greek historians (Middlebury)
Classical Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
- Brill’s New Pauly (Middlebury only)
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Middlebury only)
Articles, Journals, Research Tools
- L’Année philologique (Middlebury only) Bibliography of articles on Greek and Latin authors and works
- JSTOR (Middlebury only) Contains full-text of more than 700 journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, but does not include current issues
- Middlebury Library Classics Research Guide
Reviews of Classics Books
Images from the Ancient World
- The Ancient City of Athens (Indiana University)
- Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greek and Roman Art (New York)
- Museum of Fine Arts: Art of the Ancient World (Boston)
Maps of the Ancient World
- Ancient World Mapping Center at UNC Chapel Hill
- Ancient Maps
Summer Study
Secondary School Teaching
- Greek Teachers’ Corner (G. Lawall)
- For Latin Teachers, Aspiring Teachers, and Their Friends (U Kentucky)
- American Classical League (ACL). Includes database of teaching jobs
- Southern Teachers Agency. Lists secondary school jobs in the South
Classical Organizations
- American Academy in Rome
- American Classical League (ACL)
- American Institute of Archaeology (AIA)
- Classical Association of New England (CANE)
- Classical Association of the Atlantic States and Classical World (CAAS)
- Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)
- Classical Association of Canada
- Society for Classical Studies (SCS). The national Classics organization
Other Links
- Classics at Oxford
- De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopides of Roman Rulers and Their Families
- The Digital Classicist “A web-based hub for discussion, collaboration and communication”
- GreekKeys A software program that allows you to type Greek accentuation.
- On-line Survey of Audio-Visual Resources for Classics (Janice Siegel)
- Perseus Digital Library. Texts, Images, and Translation.
- Silva Rhetoricae. Comprehensive site on rhetoric
- Textkit: Greek & Latin Learning Tools. Drills, Grammar, Readers, and more. (Many free downloads)
- Vicipaedia. Latin Wikipedia site
- VROMA: A Virtual Community for Teaching and Learning
- The Vergil Project (Penn)