Our state-of-the-art facilities in the Mahaney Arts Center include a spacious dance theatre and rehearsal studio plus dressing rooms, a student lounge, an anatomy lab, and offices for our faculty and staff. Video and sound recording equipment are available for use in rehearsals and for performance.
The Mahaney Arts Center brings a community of artists and scholars together under one roof with theatre and music rehearsal and performing spaces, an art museum and bookstore, and a cafe. Students, faculty, staff, and guest colleagues work in an environment of exchange and collaboration.
Space Schedules
To book rehearsal time in and receive the door code for the dance theatre, you must be enrolled in a dance class and receive training from Dance Deparment faculty or staff.
Email Michael Abbatiello at mabbatiello@middlebury.edu for an appointment.
Space Use Guidelines
MAC Dance Rehearsal Studio (109) and MAC Dance Theatre (110)
The dance studios in the Mahaney Arts Center have been designed for the academic curriculum needs of the Dance Department. The Dance Theatre is our primary teaching and performance space. Studio 109 is both a class and a rehearsal space. Both studios are equipped with highly specialized, sprung floors that protect dancers’ joints. Because surfaces must remain clean and grit-free, street shoes are permitted only in restricted, audience areas in the Dance Theatre. Rehearsal Studio 109 is now equipped with a marley floor covering during the academic year to accommodate a variety of movement practices, however both dance floors require conscientious supervision and maintenance.
Requests for use of the Dance Theatre must have approval from the Dance Department. All users must be preapproved and have regularly scheduled times. Students may not reserve time unless they are enrolled in a dance class.
Only dance- or movement-related events may be scheduled in the dance spaces. Use is prioritized as follows:
MAC Dance Theatre (Studio 110)
- Academic dance courses;
- Guest artist, dance faculty, and dance student performances;
- Faculty course preparation and rehearsal;
- Guest artists preparing for class, rehearsal, or performance;
- PE and extra- or cocurricular classes approved by dance faculty one semester in advance;
- Weekly technical crew calls or other corollary technical work;
- Senior dance majors preparing for independent project performance;
- Students in dance courses preparing for classes and performances;
- Additional College community dance events, lectures, workshops, or classes, etc., that may be accommodated within the existing academic dance or technical schedule;
- Students not registered in dance courses or student dance, movement, or martial arts groups may submit a proposal for studio use (usually for MAC 109) to the Dance Department faculty through the production manager/lighting designer, Michael Abbatiello.
Language School students and faculty may contact Michael Abbatiello at mabbatiello@middlebury.edu to schedule authorized, appropriate use of Rehearsal Studio 109 during the summer. Authorized users receive the code to open 109, which is otherwise locked. Doors to the backstage area, bathrooms, and dance green room are open during regular building hours during the summer. Regular dance faculty rehearsals, work time, and projects have first priority for space use.
Additional space use requirements or restrictions:
- No street shoes in the studios.
- Dance shoes must be appropriate to studio floor surface.
- Ballet pointe shoes or jazz or hip-hop sneakers may be used only in 109.
- No food or drink, other than water, may be brought into the studio.
- Do not move the piano.
- Do not drag chairs across the floor.
- Do not leave shoes, clothing, or personal effects in the hallway or studios. Use the dressing rooms.
- Bring valuables with you into the studio.
- The emergency door must remain closed except in emergency.
- Use the broom provided to sweep at the end of each class so the room is ready for the next user.
When a marley floor is required, the event sponsor will pay the staffing costs for it to be put down and taken up again. The technical director for the Dance Department will coordinate and supervise the installation and removal of the marley.
To request the use of either MAC 110 or 109, please contact Michael Abbatiello at mabbatiello@middlebury.edu with the details of your event:
- Date
- Time
- Purpose
- Event sponsors
- Any requests for accompanying technical support