Student Jobs at Middlebury
Grader/TA Positions
Announcement: Thank you for your interest. Spring grading positions have been filled.
The Economics Department provides graders/TAs for the following ECON course offerings as needed: 0111, 0150, 0155, 0207, 0211, 0212, 0229, 0250, 0255, 0260, 0265, and 0280.
The economics grader/TA responsibilities may vary from one course to another. In general, graders could be tasked with any of the following responsibilities: grading problem sets, quizzes, review questions, and bonus material; reviewing grades for consistency; calculating scores; recording grades in Excel; alphabetizing papers.
Applicants must be organized, responsible, and dependable individuals, who are able to work with others as well as independently. A willingness to learn is essential, with an enthusiasm for the subject. Confidentiality is required and students will be required to sign a confidentiality statement.
Applicants must have completed the course they are applying to grade for with a grade of B+ or higher and have taken the course on Middlebury’s Vermont campus.
Applicants should apply prior to the beginning of each semester.
Hired students who wish to continue grading from one semester to the next need not reapply. However, they must notify Amy Holbrook of their wish to be considered for the following semester whether for the same or different course(s) and/or instructor(s). Rehires are not guaranteed.
The Economics Department strives to place all qualified applicants; however, it is not always possible.
If you are interested in applying for a position as an ECON grader/TA, please first complete the Grading Application Supplemental information Google form, linked here.
The ECON grader/TA position will be posted on the College’s internal job board, Workable Referrals, prior to the term being hired for. Once the position is posted in Workable, you can type “econ” in the search bar on the top left to search for the position or enter the grading position number, 900463. Once you find the posting, hover your cursor over the title, then click “apply” and complete your application. A cover letter and CV are not required for your application.
The Student Employment Office requires all student hiring to be processed through Workable (new as of Fall 2022). Students may not begin working until the hiring process is completed by Human Resources. With the new processing schedule all students start dates will be on a Monday.
Please visit the Student Employment Office site for information regarding required employment documents and training.
Please direct any questions you have regarding current openings or the position to Amy Holbrook at or 802-443-5327.
Questions relating to using Workable, completing employment forms, and time entry can be directed to
Research Opportunities
Here you will find a periodically updated listing of openings for paid research assistantships with faculty along with instructions for applying. If you are interested in a research opportunity but no research assistantships are currently available, please check back on this page periodically for new postings. Most research assistantships are full-time positions in the summer. Summer positions are typically posted during the month of March.