2024 GSFS Graduates
GSFS students celebrating their graduation 2024

The 2024 Gensler Symposium entitled Feminism, Fascism and the Future is featured in this recent article:


Check out this article about other recent GSFS events on campus:


Professor Carly Thomsen’s Feminist Mini-Golf Course celebrated its grand opening on May 12, 2023:



Students from Professor Laurie Essig’s course White People lead the cause to bring non-white food to campus:


As part of the “Visualizing Reproductive Justice: A Call to End Fake Clinics” exhibit that showcased the art of the first GSFS-Chellis House Public Feminism Fellows on September 27, 2022, Dr. Virginia Thomas gave a talk entitled “The World Building Power of Queer Aesthetics.” You can watch Dr. Thomas’ talk here: https://vimeo.com/760040169

Upcoming Events of Interest