Recent Past Events

  • Studio Art Thesis Exhibition Reception

    The Studio Art Department’s Senior Studio Thesis class will present their capstone exhibition from Friday May 10th until Friday May 24th. The exhibition will be held in the newly renovated Johnson Memorial Building’s Central Atrium and the restored Johnson Exhibition Gallery.
    The students will host an opening reception on Friday, May,10th from 5PM-7PM.
    The event is open and free to the public.

    Johnson Gallery/Crit (208)

    Open to the Public

  • Zach Nader: Our Own Sense of Time

    Zach Nader will discuss his artistic practice, sharing the ways in which his recent image-based experiments destabilize photographs, using them as locating devices that shape our understanding of the way images function in the world. Nader is a Brooklyn-based artist investigating the feedback loop between images and our world, altering and interrupting photographic information while compressing the distinctions between physical and virtual mark-making.

    Johnson Classroom 204

    Open to the Public

  • Objects of Wonder: Makings from across the Middlebury campus

    Objects of Wonder
    In the upcoming exhibition Objects of Wonder, students, faculty, staff, and alumni offer an intersection of research, art, history, and academia. These objects are curious snapshots-sneak peeks at the varied interests and endeavors present across this campus. Free and open to the public. Johnson Exhibition Gallery, Johnson Memorial Building room 208.

    Johnson Gallery/Crit (208)

    Open to the Public

  • Building the Creative Studio; Robbie Seltzer '15

    Robbie Seltzer ‘15 will give a presentation on “Building the Creative Studio”. Since graduating from Middlebury with a Studio Art degree, Robbie has designed and built creative spaces ranging from an apartment art gallery to a community design center.

    As artists and designers, we use studios to think, make, convene, display, and so much more. Studios are one of our most important tools! By learning the skills to build out our own studios, we can make better work.

    Johnson Classroom 204