Below are the 2024 Economics Honors Recipients.

Honors    High Honors*    Highest Honors**

Derek Ban**

Picking a Partner: The Effect of Removing Laws That Ban Interracial Marriage on the Marriage Rate

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Alexandra Cossette

International Spillover of U.S. Monetary Policy: The Exchange Rate Channel

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Mariia Dzholos**

Unlocking Prosperity: Do Free Trade Agreements Increase Social Welfare? A Case Study of The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) between Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and the European Union

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Natalie Eddy**

Climate Anxieties and Family Size Expectations

Thesis Advisor: Andrea Robbett

Dilay Erdem**

Analyzing the Impact of Immigration on the Rise of Far-Right Parties: An Analysis of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Party in Germany

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Marco Fengler (‘23.5)**

Education in the Cage: The Impact of Soccer Cages on the Educational Attainment of Foreign Children in Vienna, Austria

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Kelly Ferrero (‘23.5)

The Impact of Economic Development on the Efficiency of Environmentally Significant Agricultural Inputs

Thesis Advisor: Raphaelle Gauvin-Coulombe

Ella Gagnon (‘23.5)

Work From Home: Work From Hell or Leveling the Playing Field?  An Examination of the Gender Gap in Hours Worked.

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Xiuyuan Ge ’24 [SHOW-yuan / Guh]| Highest Honors for thesis titled:

Macroeconomic Impacts of UK Government Spending Shocks: A Comparison Between Two Common Identification Methods

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Matthew Goodman (‘23.5)*

Crypto Volatility: The Impact of Central Bank Speeches

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Alexa Lane ‘23.5 | Highest Honors for thesis titled:

Injecting Evidence: An Evaluation of Syringe Exchange Programs’ Impact on Overdose Deaths 

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Jaeden Lee*

Economic Sanctions and their Effect on North Korean Regional Inequality

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Xiaohe Li**

The Effect of Employee Stock Ownership Plans on Employment and Income during COIVD-19.

Thesis Advisor: Erin Wolcott

Michelle Ma

Understanding Drip Pricing: Influences of Fee Disclosure on Online Consumer Behavior

Thesis Advisor:  Andrea Robbett

Zach Milton**

Political Beliefs and Social Norms

Thesis Advisor: Andrea Robbett

William Procter**

Flying Empty: The Essential Air Service Program and Its Economic Impact on Rural America

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Zhizhong Pu (‘23.5)**

Human Capital Response to Import Competition 

Thesis Advisor:  Jeffrey Carpenter

Akari Tsurumaki ‘23.5 **

Work Less Because You Care, or Care Less Because You Work? Causal Effects of Elderly Care on Labor Market Outcomes for Caregivers-Japanese Case.

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Krithika Vasireddy**

Carbon Emission Cap and Trade: Effects on Corporate Profits

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Jack Waitz**

Urban Afforestation and Infant Mortality Outcomes: Evidence from a Million Trees in New York City.

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Yinuo (Jean) Wan**

Funding Futures: The Impact of State Higher Education Funding on Teen Births

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

2022 Economics Honors Recipients

Honors    High Honors*    Highest Honors**

Maxwell James Auborn*

Artificial Intelligence and its Effect of College Major Decisions

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Ellen Ann Barney

Income and local context in recent U.S. presidential elections

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Ethan Maximilian Berner**

Estimating the Effect of Nuisance Property Ordinances on Eviction and Homelessness

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Sophie Grace Charron*

Examining the ADA’s impact on labor market outcomes for people with work-limiting disabilities

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Cynthia Xi-Ya Chen**

Double of Nothing: Examining the Social Impact of Tribally Owned Casinos on Native American Populations

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Lingxi Chen

The Effect of Increased Access to IVF on Women’s Careers

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Lily Rose Colón

Partisan Information Choice

Thesis Advisor: Andrea Robbett

Ernesto Rigoberto Cuxil Pérez

How do declines in net migration and decreases in remittances affect labor participation in Rural Guatemala?

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Katarina Flik

Toxic Water: PFAS Contamination in Public Water Systems and Teen Fertility in California

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Austin Gill

The Effect of Sanctuary Jurisdictions on Low-Skill Native Workers in Florida

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Catherine Han

AFDC to TANF: The Effect of Welfare Generosity on Abortions and Births

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Harvey Hassan

Learning to live with Climate Change: The effectiveness of adaptive measures in Agriculture

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

Sam Kamau

Are Developing Countries Really Less Happy Than Developed Countries? Exploring Uncertainty and the Happiness Index as Reported by the World Happiness Report

Thesis Advisor: Andrea Robbett

Yuta Kato

The Olympic Games: Assessment of the Factors Determining Participation and Success

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

Grace Kirkpatrick

Measuring the impact of state level educational expenditures on labor market outcomes for individuals with adverse childhood experiences

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Riley Elizabeth Kinum**

Restrictive Reproductive Policy and its Effects on Female Employment in the Nineteenth Century

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Benjamin P. Lahey*

Deconstructing the Beveridge Curve: Matching Efficiency in U.S. Commuting Zones and a Solution to the Vacancy Data Shortage

Thesis Advisor: Andrea Robbett

Alexander Lee

The impact of ESG scores on firm price risk during crisis

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Michelle Liu**

Tokenized Project Financing: Potential Alternative to Public Equity Finance

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

Anthony Edward Marinello

The Workaholic College Student: Are Rising Tuition Cost the Driving Factor behind increases in Undergraduate Student Employment?

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

Henry McDonough*

The Effect of Cognitive Load on Risk Taking and Susceptibility to the Illusion of Control

Thesis Advisor: Jeff Carpenter

Quinlan McGaugh*

Hesitation Kills - Measuring the Impact of the ACA’s Medicaid Expansion on Covid-19 Health Outcomes

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

Claire Moy

Broadband Ho!: Evaluating Broadband Deployment in Rural America’s Growth

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

Tai Nguyen

The Response of Retail Spending and Real Consumption to Housing Wealth Shocks: Evidence from Geographically Linked Retail Data

Thesis Advisor: Phani Wunnava

William Jared Oppenheim*

The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Killings in the United States

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Kavita Patel**

Does Marijuana Reform Improve Racial Disparities in Incarceration Rates?

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

John Kroger Pettengill**

Spillovers from WWII Army Air Force Bases on Local Economies in the Rural United States

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Christian Poulson*

Diversity in Start-up fundraising: Gender and Race Education

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Zachary S. Shapiro**

Sports gambling and tax revenue

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Shridhar Hari Singhania

Free Lunches? Education & Health Impacts of India’s ‘Mid-Day Meal’ Program

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Joseph W. Spada**

The effect of New Jersey’s 2019 Minimum Wage Increase on Employment

Thesis Advisor: John Maluccio

Patrick Stevenson

The Effects of the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests on Elections and Police Violence

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong

Frieda Violet Thaveethu

Reducing the Burden? The Effects of Mail-order Abortion Pills on Clinic Visits and Distance Traveled

Thesis Advisor: Caitlin Myers

Xiaoyu Wu**

Follow the Cues: The Effects of Republican Leaders’ Testimonials on COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in the United States

Thesis Advisor: Erick Gong