In Bordeaux and Poitiers, students enroll directly in a broad range of disciplines in one of Middlebury’s partner universities. Students in Paris enroll in up to two Middlebury courses at the School in France headquarters, the Centre Madeleine, and take the rest of their courses at one of the many host universities in the city. At all three sites, when considering subjects to study at the local university, students are strongly encouraged to select one, or at most two, departments in which to take courses. French students enroll primarily in one academic discipline for their three years at university, and study abroad students who follow a similar model gain a better understanding of the academic culture in one or two departments at their host institution. This also results in fewer scheduling conflicts as students select their university courses.
It is important to note that most of our French university partners now require incoming international students to achieve a certain level of French language proficiency in order to be admitted. Most require a minimum CEFR B2 though a few require B1; it depends on the institution. Students will be asked to complete an online language assessment test, and their test results and reported proficiency level may impact their university enrollment options.
Beginning with applications for the 2025-26 academic year, Middlebury will ask students to complete this language proficiency test early during the application process and will only provisionally accept students to the program until placement test results have been received. For more information on French proficiency test options, please click here.
Host Universities
Learn more about the host universities.
For Middlebury College Students Only
This course information database contains information on courses taken abroad (both at Middlebury Schools Abroad and externally sponsored programs) and their applicability to Middlebury majors and academic distributions. The database represents only a sampling of courses that have been approved to apply to each major to date. New courses are added regularly as they are approved.
Don’t see your course listed?
Use this form to apply for major/minor credit or academic distributions and cultures and civilizations requirements.
Note: To apply a pre-approved academic distribution or cultures and civilizations attribute to your student record OR to apply a pre-approved course toward your major, you must contact the Registrar’s Office.
Middlebury College Faculty
You may find it useful to consult the database when meeting with students to determine if a particular course has already been approved for major/minor credit or academic distributions.