Intermediate Track
The Intermediate Track is designed for students who have completed 1-1.5 years (2-3 semesters) of college-level Italian (or the equivalent).
Please note that this track is not available to Middlebury College students.
The Intermediate Track allows students to learn Italian by taking language and area studies courses at the Middlebury Sede and at the program’s partner institutions in Florence. The instruction is in Italian and, along with an Intermediate Grammar course, students will take courses in area studies allowing them to gain a wider breadth of knowledge in disciplines such as Italian History, Literature, and Art.
Students participate in the Middlebury Language Pledge®, which is an integral part of the learning process and an invaluable tool that will help students strengthen their linguistic ability.
To prepare for their immersive experience in Italy, students may wish to visit the School in Italy’s Pre-Immersion website for language practice, music, book, and movie recommendations, and student testimonials about studying under the Middlebury Language Pledge®.
Track Structure
Students in the Intermediate Track will enroll in four (4) courses for a total of four (4) Middlebury credits. There are one required Intermediate Grammar course and two core courses taken at the Middlebury Sede. The fourth elective course can be taken either at the Sede, at the Accademia di Belle Arti, or at the University of Florence. Students will be asked to select their courses before the start of the semester and will work with the director of the School in Italy to finalize their course selections prior to arrival.
During certain semesters, the Intermediate and Advanced students may be in the same Sede course(s). A student’s course work will correlate to the language track in which they are enrolled. Courses offered at the Middlebury Sede vary from semester to semester.
Fall 2024 Sede Courses
Title | Description |
Bellezza e Bontà | Course Description |
Cinema | Course Description |
La Meglio Gioventù | Course Description |
Lingua e Cultura Italiana (required) | Course Description |
Previous Courses at the Middlebury Sede
- Breve storia dell’estetica occidentale dai greci a Leondaro e Michelangelo: Le teorie sull’arte e il bello tra filosofia, letteratura, arti visive
- Memorie, storie e voci di migrazione
- Iconografia e Iconologia: La lettura e la comprensione di un’opera d’arte intesa come significativa testimonianza culturale del suo tempo
- Letteratura italiana contemporanea: Dal neorealismo al Boom: Pratolini, Levi, e Bianciardi
- Lingua e linguaggi dell’Italia Repubblicana
- La musica italiana
- Il neorealismo letterario: Calvino, Pratolini, Fenoglio
- Paesaggio e cinema italiano
- Personaggi, luoghi, miti, eroi e contro-eroi dell’Italia contemporanea: Un percorso attorno alle molte identità nazionali
- La società italiana contemporanea
- Storia dell’arte e dell’architettura di Firenze
- Storia della lingua italiana
- Viaggio in Italia fra lingua e cultura, passato e presente