American studies faculty specialize in a range of subjects and methodologies, including literature, anthropology, history, art history, and communication studies.

The American studies curriculum is further enriched by cross-listing courses with other departments, including religion, history, film and media culture, and English and American literatures.


Holly Allen

Associate Professor of American Studies

Axinn Center 245
Office Hours:
Spring 2024: M 9:30-11:00 AM, W 12:45-1:45 PM or by appointment.

Susan Burch

Professor of American Studies

Axinn Center 249
Office Hours:
Fall 2024: Mondays, 4-5pm ET; Tuesdays, 9-10am ET; Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am ET, and by appointment. Please sign up for office hours:

Deb Evans

Associate Professor of American Studies

Axinn Center 247
Office Hours:
Spring 2024: Thurs 11am-1pm and by appointment.

Ellery Foutch

Associate Professor of American Studies

Axinn Center 251
Office Hours:
On leave 2024-2025

Rachael Joo

Professor of American Studies

Axinn Center 248
Office Hours:
Fall 2024: Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:00 in Axinn 248, Wednesday 12:00-1:00 on zoom, and by appointment

Karl Lindholm

Emeritus Dean of Advising, Assistant Professor of American Studies, First-Year Seminar Lecturer

331 Axinn Center
Office Hours:
Please email to schedule an appointment

Roberto Lint Sagarena

Professor of American Studies; Director, Intercultural Programs

Carr Hall 203
Office Hours:
Fall 2023: In Carr 203 on Tuesdays, 12-3pm by appointment.

William Nash

Professor of American Studies and English

Axinn Center 250
Office Hours:
Fall 2024: Monday & Wednesday 2:00-2:45 pm, Thursday 9:00-10:30 am; and by appointment

Michael Newbury

Fletcher D. Proctor Professor of American History

Axinn Center 252
Office Hours:
Fall 2024: Tuesday 8:30-10:00, Thursday 12:30-1:30, and by appointment.

Kit Wilson

Julian W. Abernethy Professor Emeritus of Humanities

Office Hours:
Winter Term: by appointment

Academic Coordinator

Please contact Jennifer Nuceder for temporary administrative support.