Placement Information
Economics Placement Code
If you have IB or A-Levels, you will require a placement code so Banner can recognize that you have met the ECON 0150 and ECON 0155 prerequisites for the purpose of registration.
YOUR IB, A-LEVEL, OR OTHER QUALIFYING TRANSFER CREDITS MUST BE ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT RECORD PRIOR TO YOU RECEIVING A PLACEMENT CODE. If you are an incoming Freshman whose credits have not yet been transferred to your Middlebury record, you may contact the instructor to request a one-time prerequisite override, which will allow you to register for that course, that term. Overrides are up to the discretion of each individual instructor and do not guarantee enrollment. If a prereq override is entered and the student completes the course but fails to transfer the credits that met the prereqs, an additional elective per course will be required to count towards major requirements.
Is receiving a placement code in economics the same as receiving credit? No. The placement codes purpose is merely to aide with registration. Once the placement code is entered on the students record, there is no need to continually request prerequisite overrides. Please refer to the International Baccalaureate/A-Levels section of the economics department requirements to see how IB and A-Level credits are applied to the major requirements.
- Student with IB score of 6 or higher on the IB Higher Level economics or a grade of A on A-Level Economics that can be used to fulfill the intro (macro and/or micro) economics course. [Please Note: Students with a score of 6 or higher on the IB Higher Level economics or a grade of A on A-Level Economics receive course credit for one intro (macro or micro) economics course. The other credit must be made up with an additional elective.]
- Student with IB Statistics, or a grade of B or better on A-Level Statistics, that can be used to fulfill the ECON 0111 (formerly ECON 0210) Economic Statistics prerequisite.
- Student with transfer credit(s) from another university that can be used as an econ course equivalent for any of the following courses: ECON 0111, ECON 0150, ECON 0155.
- Students with an AP score of 4 or 5 in macro and/or micro economics whose scores have not yet been transferred to their Middlebury record. Please Note: Students will receive one credit per AP score after the scores are officially submitted to the Registrar’s Office and according to the rules outlined on the economics department’s requirement page.
- Students who have transfer credits that meet both the intro macro (ECON 0150) and intro micro (ECON 0155) requirements may request an economics placement code to help with registration.
- Students who have completed one intro course at Middlebury and transferred in the other intro course credit may also request an economics placement code to help with registration.
If you fit into one of the aforementioned categories, please complete the Economics Placement Code Request Form to see if you qualify for a placement code to help Banner recognize you have met both the ECON 0150 and ECON 0155 prerequisites for the purposes of registration.
Please note that approved ECON placement code requests will be made by the academic coordinator once each semester prior to each semester’s registration period.
INCOMING FIRST YEARS please note that due to a change in your registration process, you should complete the form between December 1-11.
Math Placement
The ECON department requires MATH 0121 (calculus 1) as a prerequisite for many of its courses.
The ECON department is developing a new placement procedure for students who do not have calculus one (or higher) credit on their transcript record. In the meantime, if you would like to get a sense of where you place, please review the Math Department’s Calculus and Linear Algebra Placement Chart and if you feel you place out of calculus one by their standards please complete the Math Placement Intake Form linked here.