Student Groups
Numerous opportunities are available to you to get involved in the economics community on campus.
Student Advisory Council
The Economics Student Advisory Council (ECON-SAC), a group composed of Juniors and Seniors in the program, works in consultation with the faculty and staff in the department to provide feedback about the curriculum and provide resources for majors, minors, and prospective students in the department. When the Economics department is recruiting faculty, the SAC meets with candidates and makes an informal recommendation to the department. Additionally, when the Economics department is being externally reviewed, the SAC meets the external review committee to express student views and concerns. Typically, the SAC meets three times a year, but it can also meet as economics students wish.
More information regarding the responsibilities of the SAC can be found in the section A.4. Departmental Student Advisory Councils of the College Handbook.
Current Members:
James Donohue ‘24 FEB
Mariia Dzholos ‘24
Anjana Giridhar ‘23
Breanna Guo ‘25 FEB
Meredith Hespe ‘24 FEB
Tim Hua ‘24 FEB
Imran Ladha ‘23
Alexa Lane ‘24 FEB
Masataka Mori ‘23
Zhizhong (ZZ) Pu ‘24
Claire Shapiro ‘25 FEB
If you would like to contact the members of the Economics SAC, you may email them at
Rethinking Economics @ Midd
Rethinking Economics at Middlebury (RE@Midd) is a community of Middlebury students passionate about engaging in critical discussions about the field of economics. We prioritize diversity, new ideas, and open discussion. You can find upcoming events on Presence or email us at