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A student curls up with her studies in a comfy blue chair at Middlebury's David Library.

First year applicants can apply to Middlebury through Early Decision or Regular Decision options.

Regular Decision

Regular Decision is the process most students choose. Applications are due January 3, and we notify students of our decision in late March. Regular Decision applicants can apply to as many colleges as they wish, and they are not obligated to attend Middlebury if admitted. 

Early Decision

Early Decision is a good option if Middlebury is your clear first choice. Unlike Regular Decision, Early Decision is binding, which means that you may not apply for an early decision from another institution and you must sign the Early Decision Commitment Statement. Coalition applicants should send their completed Early Decision Agreement to

Students may submit Regular Decision or non-binding Early Action applications to other institutions, but they must withdraw those applications if admitted Early Decision to Middlebury College. 

If you are interested in learning more about how your preferences for the September and/or February program impact admissions committee decisions during Early Decision, please read more on our page for February Admission.

Early Decision I and Early Decision II

The only difference between the two rounds of Early Decision is the deadlines—November 1 for Early Decision I and January 3 for Early Decision II. The assessment standards for each application are identical. Both programs are binding and assume that an applicant will attend if admitted, provided that the financial aid is appropriate.


Students applying under the Early Decision I program are notified in mid-December. Students applying under the Early Decision II program are notified in mid-February.

Candidates will be notified of one of the following decisions:

  • Admitted for September or February
  • Deferred for reconsideration with Regular Decision applicants
  • Denied admission

Financial Aid

Middlebury’s financial aid is need-based, so applying Early Decision has no impact on how Middlebury assesses a family’s need and calculates an aid package. The financial aid package arrives with the letter of admission. Early Decision may not be the best option for those students who desire or require the opportunity to compare financial aid packages.

Read more about the affordability of a Middlebury education.

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