Club Sports
Club sports provide the opportunity for intercollegiate sports at Middlebury in a competitive and recreational structure.
We rely on student leadership and strive for a healthy balance of academics and extracurriculars. We currently offer club sports teams for the following sports and are open to all students:
- Sailing,
- Rowing,
- Rugby,
- Equestrian,
- Ultimate Frisbee,
- Water Polo,
- Quadball,
- Tennis,
- Nordic Skiing,
- Cycling,
- Soccer,
- Figure Skating, and
- Volleyball.
Visit go/middpresence to find more detailed organization information. We also have a number of recreational sport organizations (all of which can be viewed in MiddPresence.)
Sign-ups often occur during the Activities Fair. For those considering rowing or rugby, please arrive at Midd with a recent (within the past six months) doctor’s exam to assist with requirements in the Office of Sports Medicine.