Faculty and Staff
Anthropology Faculty
Marybeth Nevins
Associate Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- mnevins@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5019
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 110
- Office Hours:
- Winter 2025: Monday, 2pm-3pm; Wednesday, 3pm-4pm; Friday, 1pm-2pm
Kristin Bright
Associate Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- kbright@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-2236
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 103
- Office Hours:
- Winter/Spring 2025: On academic leave.
James Fitzsimmons
Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- jfitzsim@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5618
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 109
- Office Hours:
- Winter 2025: by appointment.
Ellen Oxfeld
Gordon Schuster Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- oxfeld@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5300
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 111
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: on academic leave
Fulya Pinar
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- fpinar@middlebury.edu
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 103
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Tuesday and Thursday, 3pm-4:30pm; Wednesday, 2pm-3pm
Michael Sheridan
Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- msherida@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5582
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 105
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30am-11am, or by appointment. (Best times are Monday/Wednesday, 12:15pm-2pm).
David Stoll
Professor of Anthropology
- Email:
- dstoll@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-2441
- Office:
- Munroe Hall 104
- Office Hours:
- Winter 2025: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 12:30pm-1:30pm; or by appointment.
Trinh Tran
Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Education Studies
- Email:
- trinht@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-3641
- Office:
- Robert A. Jones '59 House B04
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: on leave
Affiliate Faculty
Netta Avineri
TESOL Professor
- Email:
- navineri@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (831) 647-6560
- Office:
- 400 Pacific E200
Karima Borni
Scholar in Residence in Dance
- Email:
- kborni@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5722
- Office:
- Mahaney Arts Center 205
- Office Hours:
- Spring 25: TUES 12:00-2:00pm; WED 10:00-11:00am
Damascus Kafumbe
Edward C. Knox Professor of International Studies; Professor of Music; Director, Middlebury African Music and Dance Ensemble; Director, Middlebury Afropop Band
- Email:
- dkafumbe@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5578
- Office:
- Mahaney Arts Center
- Office Hours:
- On Leave 2024-2025 Academic Year
Rachael Joo
Professor of American Studies
- Email:
- rjoo@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5783
- Office:
- Axinn Center 248
- Office Hours:
- Fall 2024: Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:00 in Axinn 248, Wednesday 12:00-1:00 on zoom, and by appointment
Alexis Mychajliw
Assistant Professor of Biology/Environmental Studies
- Email:
- amychajliw@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5439
- Office:
- McCardell Bicen Hall 374
- Office Hours:
- Fall 2024: Mondays 1-2pm, Thursdays 11am-12:15pm, or by appointment, in MBH 374
William Poulin-Deltour
Professor of French and Francophone Studies
- Email:
- wpoulind@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5248
- Office:
- Le Chateau 102
- Office Hours:
- Spring 2025: On Leave
Dan Suarez
C.V. Starr Fellow in International Studies; Asst. Prof., Environmental Studies
- Email:
- dsuarez@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5365
- Office:
- Franklin Env Ctr-Hillcrest 218
- Office Hours:
- By appointment: https://calendly.com/suarezdc/dan-suarez-office-hours
Linda White
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies
- Email:
- lwhite@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5680
- Office:
- FIC 221
- Office Hours:
- On leave 2024-2025 academic year
Thor Sawin
Associate Dean of Language Schools for Curriculum
- Email:
- tsawin@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (831) 647-4110
- Office:
- 207 Sunderland Hall, Middlebury
Academic Coordinator
Caitlin Harder
Academic Dept. Coordinator
- Email:
- harder@middlebury.edu
- Tel:
- (802) 443-5671
- Office:
- Munroe 206
- Office Hours:
- Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm (remote on Tuesdays)