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Birds eye view of Middlebury's campus in fall.

More than 5,000 alumni volunteers throughout the world support the Alumni Admissions Program (AAP). 

How It Works

Alums assist the Admissions staff in contacting applicants, providing information about Middlebury, conducting informative interviews that are used in the decision-making process and encouraging admitted students to attend.


Volunteers conduct interviews with prospective students to provide information about Middlebury and to describe the applicant’s personal qualifications, i.e., the personal contributions they will be able to make to the Middlebury community.

Interviews are typically scheduled during the month of November for Early Decision I students, January for Early Decision II, and January through the first week in February for Regular Decision students. Following the interview, an interview report is submitted on each student contacted. In addition to offering interviews, alumni volunteers may represent Middlebury at local college fairs in the fall and spring.

Join Us!

Graduates of Middlebury College (undergraduate only) are eligible to participate. Please complete the AAP registration if you are interested in joining the program. Once registered, you’ll be provided with a username and password to access the AAP Portal that provides additional information and all training materials. If you are a returning AAP member, please log into the AAP Portal for updated information and training materials.


Anyone with questions about the Alumni Admissions Program please contact

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