Middlebury College-CMRS Oxford Humanities Program
Ten weeks of each semester coincide with Oxford University’s Michaelmas or Hilary Terms. The remaining four weeks are devoted to the research paper. During a semester each student takes four courses:
The Research Course
Students take on an independent project supervised by faculty members, which includes a significant research paper based on work in the various libraries, art galleries, and museums in and around Oxford.
One Seminar Course
Students choose topics in medieval, early modern, or modern subjects that include literature, history, art history, classics, philosophy, religion, and political and social theory, and engage in small seminars taught by local faculty.
One-on-One Tutorials
Students take two one-on-one tutorials, which are designed by students and tailored to their academic interests. Instructors are usually Oxford University faculty members.

Course Choices
Middlebury-CMRS offers an extensive range of courses in the semester program. Applicants should search for the courses available in the semester they are planning to attend. Students must choose two tutorials and one seminar course when completing the application form and indicate the appropriate course code.
Applicants should consult with advisors/department chairs at their home institution to ensure that their course choices fit any major/minor/distribution requirements. The Academic Committee may advise applicants if course choices appear to overlap with each other and/or with courses taken at an applicant’s home institution. Because weekly essay tutorials are a distinct element of Middlebury-CMRS’s pedagogy, students are advised to choose no more than one language tutorial.
If you have any questions about courses or wish to discuss taking a tutorial not listed here, you must email Marie-Louise Lillywhite, Senior Tutor, before submitting your application.
Browse the comprehensive list of seminars and tutorials available
Major, Minor, or Distribution Credit
This course information database contains information on courses taken abroad (both at Middlebury Schools Abroad and externally sponsored programs) and their applicability to Middlebury majors and academic distributions. The database represents only a sampling of courses that have been approved to apply to each major to date. New courses are added regularly as they are approved.
Don’t see your course listed?
Use this form to apply for major/minor credit or academic distributions and cultures and civilizations requirements.
Note: To apply a pre-approved academic distribution or cultures and civilizations attribute to your student record OR to apply a pre-approved course toward your major, you email the Registrar’s Office.
Middlebury College Faculty
You may find it useful to consult the database when meeting with students to determine if a particular course has already been approved for major/minor credit or academic distributions.