African Dance Ensemble

African Music and Dance Performance (MUSC 0244) is a credit-bearing course that introduces students to various East African music and dance traditions.

The class offers a rich, hands-on experience to students with or without a musical background, and enrolled students obtain one (1) credit. As an ensemble, the students learn African songs and dances. They also master musical instruments such as bow-harps, thumb-pianos, xylophones, tube-fiddles, bow-harps, shakers, gourds, bells, and drums. The course involves regular ensemble rehearsals, culminating in an end-of-semester concert.

Past Performances

Uganda Dance Medley, Fall 2023

Agoliam Ka,” Fall 2023

Essuubi,” Spring 2023

More performances

Meeting Times

Fall Semester
Monday and Wednesday, 8:40 - 10:35 a.m.
Mahaney Arts Center, Room 221


For further information about the Ensemble, please contact Dr. Damascus Kafumbe at