Choir members during senior week 2024.
Choir members during senior week 2024.

Audition Requirements for the College Choir

Individual Audition

This lasts about 25 minutes, takes place in MAC 315 or the Chapel, and includes

  • conversation with the conductor about your goals in joining the College Choir,
  • vocal warm up led by the conductor (but genuinely for you to simply get singing), and
  • singing music excerpts with the conductor.

A prepared solo is not a part of the audition. Please see the schedule below after you read the following information! Please read the Expectations portion of this page carefully.

Call Back (second) Audition

A call back audition is required, by invitation from the conductor if after your individual audition, it seems there may be a place for you in the choir at this time. (Choir membership changes slightly every semester, so this second step is particularly important.) In this audition, new singers join a group of returning singers to see how all our voices fit together, including

  • singing alone on their part of a polyphonic choral setting or excerpt, 
  • singing with other singers of the same voice part.

Typically, the conductor emails new singers about call backs later in the week of initial auditions.

Expectations of College Choir Singers

  • Firm commitment to the rehearsal schedule (M/W 4:30-6:30 PM) and all performances
  • Prioritizing of College Choir events highly amidst other extra-curricular activities (choral singing is ensemble singing - you need to be together!)
  • Familiarity reading notated music
  • Some experience singing in choirs (high school, youth choir, or church choir typical)

Reading Notated Music

The College Choir learns most of their repertoire from the printed page from music notation. College Choir singers need to be reasonably and similarly comfortable with music notation in the context of ensemble rehearsals, to help singers feel supported by each others’ musicianship as well as challenged by the repertoire and demands of ensemble performance.

It is most helpful when ensemble members strive for a generally similar level of accomplishment in their work in Choir. We seek to nurture an ensemble of similar experiences and goals in choral music.

Spring Auditions

Spring auditions are by appointment with the conductor. Students interested in joining College Choir are welcome to audition in January (as available) or the first week of spring semester. After the first week of spring semester, auditions may be closed, but you are still welcome to inquire! Students joining in spring should note the general expectation that the choir remain on campus during Senior Week. In years when the choir tours in May/June, new students may be required to commit rather quickly about cost and logistics of choir travel.

Audition Schedule

Orientation Week

Tuesday through Friday (September 3-6) by appointment! Please email Professor Jeff Buettner to request a time.

Week 1

Monday 9/9: 12:30 - 3:30 PM

Tuesday 9/10: 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Wednesday 9/11: 9:30 - 11:30 AM and 12:30 - 3:30 PM

Thursday 9/12: 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Friday 9/13: 9:30 - 12:30 PM and by appointment

Week 2 by appointment.

Please email to request a time. Auditions are scheduled in 30-minute increments (:15 or :45 may be feasible as well).

Audition Excerpts

Please prepare one voice part (to the best of your ability at this time!) of all or a part of each piece below (or as specified for an excerpt). Singers who can and will prepare themselves to even a modest extent are extremely helpful in a choir!

Please know that these excerpts do not represent the College Choir repertoire, they are only brief samples.

Peace I Leave With You (Amy Beach)

Sanctus (Clemens non Papa)

  • It is best to open the link in a new window.
  • You can find many recordings on YouTube, including those with scrolling score.