Professor teaching a class at the Sede Prim.

Sede Prim Course Offerings

Courses taught at the Sede Prim vary from fall to spring semester. See the schedules below for details.


  • 2319 Advanced Communication (Carballo): This course reviews grammatical structures and vocabulary and introduces the principles of composition to help students achieve a better command of oral and written Spanish.
  • 2407 Advanced Syntax (Del Valle, Carballo): The objective of this course is to develop and perfect the oral and written competence of advanced students. Special consideration is given to the special challenges English-speaking students face when speaking the Spanish language.
  • 2411 Superior Spanish Syntax (Del Valle): This course analyzes Spanish grammatical structures and provides students with the resources necessary to improve their academic writing skills.



  • 2340 Art in the Museums of Madrid (Gallego): This course explores Spanish painting from the 15th through the 20th centuries, particularly in the Prado Museum. As part of the course students will take part in frequent visits to Madrid museums both with the class and independently.
  • 2344 Spanish for Business (Fernández): This course is designed for students who wish to acquire the linguistic resources and develop cultural competence relevant in the Spanish and Latin American business world.
  • 2348 Spain & the European Union (Seijo): The aim of this course is to introduce students to the history, institutions, and politics and policies of the European Union (EU) with a particular emphasis on the role Spain played in the governance of this international organization.
  • 2354 Spanish for Professional Purposes (Fernández and Shaw): This course is divided into two separate modules. The first module aims to provide students with the intercultural, linguistic and practical knowledge necessary to respond to the needs of society in the fields of health and healthcare development. The second module is geared towards students who wish to acquire the vocabulary and linguistic resources needed for use in the field of business.
  • 2374 Spanish Art 20th Century (Gallego): This course provides a look at Spanish art in the 20th century through museums in Madrid. As part of the course students will take part in frequent visits to museums both with the class and independently.
  • 2450 Gender, Sexuality, and Otherness in Spain: Intersections, Resistance, and Alliances (Ortega): This course explores debates and activism around gender, dissident sexuality and identity positions taking place in Spain in recent years. 
  • 2350 Spain in Perspective: Past & Present of a Country in Constant Change (Pérez): This course offers an interdisciplinary review of the historical and cultural panorama of Spain over the last 300 years. Throughout the semester, we will study Spanish history and culture from the great sociocultural movements of the 18th century to the great social and economic disruptions of the 20th century. 
  • Spanish Painting and its Spaces (12th - 19th Centuries) (Vela): The representation of space is one of the most distinctive features in differentiating artistic periods.   Spatial representation is not only a formal entity but also a reflection of how a society understands the world. The way in which different social subjects (classes, gender, etc.) are embraced and connoted by the pictorial space tells us a lot about how such subjects were understood by the society of their time.  In this course we will explore the representation of space in Spanish paintings at the Prado, Thyssen, Lázaro Galdiano and Academia de Bellas Artes museums. 


Fall 2024 Schedule 

Spring 2025 Schedule  

Sede Prim Course Registration (Link active when registration is open)

Course registration at the Sede Prim will open approximately one month prior to the start of the term. Those of you enrolled at a local university (UAM or Carlos III) will register for those university courses separately.

You will be placed in one of the language courses upon arrival—please do not register for a language class now.