Local Resources and Laws - School in Brazil
Call the Director of the School in Brazil as soon as you can, at any hour. (Students will receive office and cell phone numbers during orientation.)
The Director will help you with calling hospitals and making appointments, contacting GeoBlue insurance, accompanying you, and providing as much help and support as needed or requested.
Students can report (in Portuguese) physical harassment and sexual assault by dialing 180 from any local phone.
The DEAM (Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher) is specialized in attending women, so it is preferable you go there if the victim is a woman, but note that you can also report the incident to any police station.
The special police unit for women is open 24 hours.
After taking the deposition of the victim, the DEAM will arrange an escort to the IML (Instituto de Medicinal Legal / Institute of Legal Medicine) where a doctor will conduct a forensic (medical) examination.
In public hospitals in Brazil, female rape victims are entitled to the morning-after pill and all victims are entitled to medication to prevent HIV, if a doctor is seen soon afterward (all free-of-charge).
The victim will also be able to get psychological treatment and/or legal assistance if he/she wants to. But note that it might be difficult to get someone who speaks English. We would recommend contacting an English-speaking psychologist
Resources in Florianópolis
Call 190 (equivalent to 911 in the US)
For female victims specifically: “Disque Mulher,” dial 180 (from any place in Brazil).
Medical Assistance:
Hospital Universitário Dr. Polydoro Hernani de São Thiago (UFSC) – (+5548) 3721-9100
Hospital Maternidade Carmela Dutra – +55(48) 3251-7500
6ª. Delegacia de Polícia Civil de Florianópolis – +55(48) 3228-5304
Central de Atendimento às Vítimas de Crime (CEAV): 0800 481 200
Emotional and Psychological Support: UFSC, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina:
you can make an appointment with an English-speaking professionals from the Psicologia Intercultural Program, which, as our local partner, offers individual support to our students. Their contact information can be obtained from any Middlebury staff in Brazil or by calling +55 (48)3721-8571 – Serviço de Atendimento Psicológico (SAPSI), Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (CFH), Prédio D, 2nd. Floor.
Resources in Niterói and Rio
Call 190 (equivalent to 911 in the US).
If the victim doesn’t need immediate medical attention but wants to report the incident:
- If the victim is a woman: Call the DEAM (Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher / special police unit for women):
Niteroi: (21) 2717-0900
Avenida Ernani do Amaral Peixoto, 577, 3º andar - Centro, Niterói - RJ, 24020-073
Responsável: Delegada de Polícia Bárbara Lomba Bueno
Rio (city): (21) 2332-9992 / 2332-9994
Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 12, Centro, Rio
- If the victim is not a woman: Go to the nearest police station
For female victims specifically: “Disque Mulher,” dial 180 (from any place in Brazil).
Under current Brazilian legislation, if a victim does not wish to report a rape or sexual assault to the police, victims are able to proceed directly to a public hospital for treatment. Victims can also call Center for Attendance of Women (government body, in Portuguese) at +55 21 2517-2726 or contact http://www.camtra.org.br/index.php, a national NGO (+55 21 2544 0808 for orientation).
To speak with an English speaker in an emergency, one should call the Tourist Police (DEAT) at +55 21 2332-2924.
Medical Assistance
Maternidade Municipal Alzira Reis Vieira Ferreira (Rua Carlos Ermelindo Marins, s/no. – Bairro Charitas, Niterói);
Atendimento de Emergência do Hospital Municipal Carlos Tortelly (Rua Athayde Parreiras, 266 – Bairro de Fátima, Niterói);
GeoBlue in-network provider:
Hospital Samaritano - Botafogo (city of Rio de Janeiro)
Rua Bambina 98 Botafogo Rio de Janeiro, 22251-050 Brazil Phone: +55.21.3444.1000 botafogo.hospitalsamaritano.com.br
ER 24/7 Emergency Department Private Inpatient Facility
Special Police for Female Victims:
Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher (Tel.: +55(21)-2717-2006);
Coordenação dos Direitos das Mulheres em Niterói – +55(21) 2719-3047)
Emotional and Psychological Support in Rio:
Call an English-speaking psychologist:
Dr. Ana Stingel
Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 414, room 505 – Ipanema
(21) 99987-4516
Dr. Ricardo Steffen
Rua Jardim Botanico 600, sala 303
(21) 981038285
Legal Resources
Central de Atendimento às Vítimas de Crime [CEAV]: 0800 481 200
For female victims specifically:
Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher (Tel.: +55(21)-2717-2006)
Definitions of crimes
In Middlebury’s efforts to obtain and provide definitions of the following crimes or terms, e.g., Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Consent in reference to sexual activity, which are prohibited by Middlebury’s Policy and which may also be prohibited by law in Brazil, listed below please find some or all of the crimes or terms as locally defined by Brazil to the extent known by Middlebury on information and belief at this time.
Código Penal do Brasil e atos conexos (Lei 8.069/90 – Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e Lei 11.340/2006 – Lei Maria da Penha):
Coagir outrem por meio de violência ou grave ameaça a manter relações sexuais consigo, ou praticar ou deixar que com outrem pratiquem outros atos lascivos.
Ofensas sexuais
- Violação sexual mediante fraude – Manter relação sexual ou praticar outros atos lascivos com outrem mediante fraude ou outro meio que impeça ou dificulte o consentimento da vítima.
- Estupro de vulnerável – Manter relação sexual ou praticar outros atos lascivos com pessoa cuja idade seja inferior a quatorze (14) anos, ou em situação na qual a vítima, por doença ou deficiência mental, não possua o discernimento necessário para anuir com a prática do ato, ou em situação na qual, por qualquer outra causa, a vítima se encontra incapaz de consentir.
- Corrupção de menores – Induzir pessoa cuja idade seja inferior a quatorze (14) anos a satisfazer a lascívia de terceiros.
- Satisfação Sexual com Menores – Assediar, constranger, instigar, por qualquer meio de comunicação, pessoa cuja idade seja inferior a quatorze (14) anos a servir como objeto para prática de ato libidinoso que não implique em contato físico.
- Satisfação sexual na presença de menores e/ou adolescentes – Praticar, na presença de pessoa cuja idade seja inferior a quatorze (14) anos, ou induzi-la a testemunhar relação sexual ou outros atos lascivos no intuito de satisfazer desejo sexual próprio ou de terceiro.
Pornografia infantil – Adquirir, possuir ou armazenar por qualquer meio, fotografia, vídeo ou outra forma de registro que contém cenas de sexo explícito ou pornografia envolvendo crianças e/ou adolescentes ou oferecer, trocar, entregar, transmitir, distribuir, publicar ou divulgar, por qualquer meio, inclusive por sistema de computador ou mídia telemática, fotografia, vídeo ou outro registro que contenha cena de sexo explícito envolvendo pornografia de crianças e/ou adolescentes.
Violência no relacionamento – Não há nenhuma disposição sobre a violência no relacionamento como crime. No entanto, qualquer ofensa ao corpo e/ou à saúde de outrem configura crime.
Violência doméstica – Violência no ambiente doméstico e/ou familiar, ou qualquer ação ou omissão baseada no gênero que cause morte, lesão, dano físico, sexual e/ou psicológico e dano moral ou à propriedade.
- Unidade doméstica é entendida como o espaço de convivência permanente das pessoas, com ou sem vínculo familiar, inclusive se esporadicamente agregadas.
- Família é compreendida como a comunidade formada por indivíduos que são ou se consideram relacionados, unidos por laços naturais, por afinidade ou por vontade expressa.
- Relação íntima de afeto, na qual o agressor conviva ou tenha convivido com a ofendida, independentemente de coabitação.
Qualquer ofensa ou lesão ao corpo ou à saúde praticada contra ascendente, descendente, irmão, cônjuge ou companheiro, com quem convive ou conviveu, ou mesmo, seja qual for o agente das relações domésticas, de coabitação ou de hospitalidade é considerado crime de violência doméstica.
Perseguição –
Art. 1º Esta Lei acrescenta o art. 147-A ao Decreto-Lei nº 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940 (Código Penal), para prever o crime de perseguição.
Art. 2º O Decreto-Lei nº 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940 (Código Penal), passa a vigorar acrescido do seguinte art. 147-A:
Art. 147-A. Perseguir alguém, reiteradamente e por qualquer meio, ameaçando-lhe a integridade física ou psicológica, restringindo-lhe a capacidade de locomoção ou, de qualquer forma, invadindo ou perturbando sua esfera de liberdade ou privacidade.
Pena – reclusão, de 6 (seis) meses a 2 (dois) anos, e multa.
§ 1º A pena é aumentada de metade se o crime é cometido:
I – contra criança, adolescente ou idoso;
II – contra mulher por razões da condição de sexo feminino, nos termos do § 2º-A do art. 121 deste Código;
III – mediante concurso de 2 (duas) ou mais pessoas ou com o emprego de arma.
§ 2º As penas deste artigo são aplicáveis sem prejuízo das correspondentes à violência.
§ 3º Somente se procede mediante representação.”
Brazilian Penal Code and related laws (Law No 8.069/90-Statute of Children and Teenagers and Law No 11340/2006 – The Maria da Penha Domestic Violence Law).
To coerce someone through violence or serious threat to have sexual relationships, or perform or allow to practice other lewd and lascivious conduct.
Sexual offenses
- Carnal Abuse by Deceipt/Rape by Deception – To maintain sexual intercourse or practice other lewd and lascivious conduct with others by means of fraud or other means that may prevent or impede the victim’s consent.
- Rape of a Vulnerable Person – To maintain sexual intercourse or practice other lewd and lascivious conduct acts with a person under the age of fourteen (14), or in a situation in which the victim, by illness or mental impairment, does not have the necessary judgement to agree with the conduct; or in a situation where, for any other reason, the victim is unable to consent.
- Corruption of a Minor – To induce a person under the age of fourteen (14) to satisfy the lust of an adult.
- Sexual Satisfaction with a Minor – To harass, embarrass, instigate, by any means of communication, a minor under the age of fourteen (14) to serve as an object to libidinous act practices that do not involve physical contact.
- Sexual Satisfaction in the Presence of Children and/or Teenagers – To practice or induce a minor under the age of fourteen (14), or to induce him/her to witness sexual intercourse or other acts in order to satisfy self or a third party’s lustful sexual desire.
Child Pornography – To acquire, possess or store, by any means, photos, videos or other forms of recordings that contain explicit sex scenes or pornography involving children and/or adolescents or to offer, exchange, deliver, broadcast, distribute, publish or promote, by any means, including by computer system or telematic media, photography, video or other record that contains explicit sex scene involving pornography of children and/or adolescents.
Violence in Intimate Relationships – There is no provision regarding violence in intimate relationships as a crime. Nonetheless, any bodily and/or health harm constitutes a crime.
Domestic Violence – Violence in the domestic environment and/or family, or any action or omission based on gender that causes death, injury, physical harm, sexual and/or psychological and moral damages or property.
- A domestic environment is understood as a permanent living space, with or without family ties, even if sporadically aggregated.
- A family is understood as a community of individuals who are or are considered to be related, joined by natural ties, by marriage or by express wish.
- An intimate affectionate relationship is one in which the aggressor convives or has convived with the offended party, regardless of cohabitation.
Any offense, bodily or health injury against an ascendant, descendant, sibiling, spouse or partner, with whom a person lives or has lived, cohabitation or hospitality, whatever the agent of domestic relations is considered a domestic violence crime.
Stalking –
In March 2021, Law nº.14.132 was enacted, which creates the crime of stalking. The law amended the Brazilian Penal Code to include the crime, defined as repeated persecution, by any means, such as the internet (cyberstalking), which threatens the physical and psychological integrity of someone, interfering with the victim’s freedom and privacy. Although stalking is not defined as a gender specific crime against women, the penalty is to be increased by 50% when it is committed against women for reasons of gender.