Local Resources and Laws - France
Get to a safe place and either call the police at 17 or 112 or go directly to the nearest police station (« commissariat de police ») to report a sexual assault incident. If you want to be accompanied to the police station and then to the hospital, please call the Middlebury School in Paris’ Student Life Coordinator: 01 43 22 73 89 (office) and/or 06 85 39 12 67 (cell); please know that it is not common practice for the police to escort sexual assault victims to the hospital.
Go to the hospital closest to you that has an Emergency Room for immediate medical care. At the emergency room, you may be treated for injuries, tested and treated for sexually transmitted infections, and women may be tested for pregnancy; however, unless you decide to file a report and/or press charges with the police, no rape evidence collection procedure will take place. To find the hospital closest to you in the Paris area, go to: https://aphp.fr/hopitaux.
Seek emotional support, counseling, and advocacy: you may be experiencing a range of strong and complicated feelings. There are many resources available that can provide information and support, including the following, which are available to individuals of all gender identities:
- The Middlebury School in France team (during office hours, 01 43 22 73 89):
- Student Life Officer of the School in France (Paris): Karima Kerrouchi, 06 85 39 12 67
- Associate Director of the School in France: Amy Tondu, 06 77 65 20 03
- Director of the School in France: David Paoli, 06 62 60 61 16
- *Pathways to Safety International: https://pathwaystosafety.org/ for confidential and inclusive sexual assault services (information, support, and referral) through e-mail at crisis@pathwaystosafety.org for people of all genders and sexuality, LGBTQIA inclusive. They will reply to email within 72h.
- *Geo Blue, International Health Insurance: https://geobluestudents.com/ for a detailed list of professional resources (psychiatrists, psychologists, etc.) in Bordeaux, Paris & Poitiers.
- *SOS Help: English Language Confidential Listening Line in France: http://www.soshelpline.org/ or 01 46 21 46 46 (every day from 3-11pm) for an English language listening line; listeners are volunteers trained by professional psychologists.
- The French government’s online portal on sexist/sexual violence: https://arretonslesviolences.gouv.fr.
- There is also a free, online chat service available 24/7 with French national police for information and/or advice regarding reporting options and support resources for all individuals who have experienced, or have been witness to, sexist and/or sexual violence: https://www.service-public.fr/cmi.
- *Fédération France Victimes: https://www.france-victimes.fr/for advice and/or guidance for survivors of all kinds of incidents (including sexual violence) through aspects of the French judicial process. They also have a dedicated platform for individuals having experienced physical, psychological or sexual violence here: https://parcours-victimes.fr; They also offer a free, confidential hotline (in French), 7 days a week, at 116 006.
There are several additional resources available for female- and/or LGBTQI+- identified individuals:
- Fédération nationale des centres d’information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (FNCIDFF): http://www.infofemmes.com/. The FNCIDFF has centers throughout France; to find the one closest to you, see the interactive map here: https://fncidff.info/les-cidff/cidff-a-votre-service.
- *Violences Femmes Infos: a free, anonymous listening line in French: call 3919 (Monday-Friday 24h, Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 9am-6 pm).
- * Fédération nationale solidarité femmes (FNSF): The FNSF also has a network of regional resource centers whose mission is to prevent and respond to sexist and sexual violence. The list can be found here: https://www.solidaritefemmes.org/nous-trouver.
- *Collectif féministe contre le viol or CFCV (a collective of feminist associations against rape): http://www.cfcv.asso.fr/ and/or SOS Viols Femmes Informations, a free, anonymous listening line in French: 08 00 05 95 95 (Monday-Friday from 10am-7pm). For step-by-step instructions for getting help in English, scroll down the main page of the CFCV’s website until the “Ressources” section where you can click on “You have been victim of sexual assault” to access/download the brochure.
- *Enavanttoute/s: a free, anonymous Chat function for young individuals who identify as female (Monday-Saturday, 10am-9pm) at https://commentonsaime.fr/#startchat.
- *SOS Homophobie: https://www.sos-homophobie.org; a free, anonymous hotline in French; call 01 48 06 42 41, Monday-Friday, 6-10 pm, Saturday 2-4pm & Sunday 6-8pm (except holiday).
SOS Homophobie also publishes and regularly updates a detailed resource (in French) on the rights and options of all individuals reporting sexist and sexual harassment and/or violence entitled “Guide pratique contre les LGBTI phobies” that can be downloaded in PDF format here : https://ressource.sos-homophobie.org/Ressources/Guide_pratique_contre_l…
- *La Fondation Le Refuge: https://le-refuge.org: a free, anonymous hotline, available 24/7 (in French) for young (14-25 yo) LGTBQI+ individuals: 06 31 59 69 50. The foundation also has several regional center throughout France that offer physical/mental health and legal support resources and services: https://le-refuge.org/dispositifs#accueil.
- Fédération LGBT, Fédération des Associations & Centres Lesbiens, Gays, Bi et Trans en France: http://federation-lgbt.org/.
- ILGA (International lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex association) - Europe: https://www.ilga-europe.org/.
Additional resources in the Paris area:
- *International Counseling Service (ICS): 01 45 50 26 49 and/or http://www.icsparis.com/ for professional psychological and mental health consultations in English and/or French.
- *Maison des Femmes de Paris (75): https://mdfparis.fr: Open to the public (“accueil inconditionnel”) on Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays 11am-1 pm and 2-5:30 pm at 163 rue de Charenton, 75012 Paris. To schedule an appointment and/or obtain further information/support, call 01 43 43 41 13 during the hours indicated above.
- *Paris Aide aux Victimes (PAV): http://www.pav75.fr/ : 12, rue Charles Fourier, Paris 13e, tel 01 45 88 18 00 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) and/or 22, rue Jacques Kellner, Paris 17e, tel 01 53 06 83 50 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am-5:30pm)
- *The Paris office of Le Planning Familial: https://www.planning-familial.org/fr/le-planning-familial-de-paris-75 : 10 rue Vivienne, Paris 2e arrondissement. For their office hours (with and/or without rendez-vous), please see: https://www.planning-familial.org/fr/le-planning-familial-de-paris-75#reception-services-anchor . A free, anonymous, French language phone line is available Monday-Friday (except Tuesday afternoons) from 10am-5pm at 01 42 60 93 20.
A free, anonymous, French language phone line («Sexualités, Contraception, IVG ») is also available Monday-Saturday from 9am to 5 pm at 0800 08 11 11. .
- *Centre LGBTQI+ Paris-Île de France: for free and anonymous mental and physical health consultations: https://centrelgbtparis.org/Psychologue and https://centrelgbtparis.org/permanence-sante or 01 43 57 21 47.
Legal resources in the Paris area: the following two resources offer free and confidential legal advice:
- *Centre d’information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) de Paris: There are several offices in Paris, all listed here: http://paris.cidff.info/; the office located at 17 rue Jean Poulmarch, Paris 10e, Telephone: 01 83 64 72 01, is open every day Monday-Friday (except Friday afternoon), by appointment only from 9:45 am-12pm and 2-5pm.
- *Paris Aide aux Victimes (PAV): http://www.pav75.fr/ : 12, rue Charles Fourier, Paris 13e, tel 01 45 88 18 00 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) and/or 22, rue Jacques Kellner, Paris 17e, tel 01 53 06 83 50 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am-5:30pm)
Additional resources in the Bordeaux area:
-*Centre d’information sur les droits des femmes et des familles de la Gironde (CIDFF 33): https://gironde.cidff.info/bordeaux/permanence-111.html: 99 rue Goya, 33000 Bordeaux. Open for mental health support (appointment only) on Monday and Thursday from 9am-12:30pm. Call 05 56 44 30 30 to make an appointment.
- *The Bordeaux office of Le Planning Familial: https://www.planning-familial.org/fr/le-planning-familial-de-gironde-33#reception-services-anchor : 19 rue Eugène Le Roy, 33800 Bordeaux by appointment only; call 05 56 44 00 04 (Monday 6pm-8 pm, Wednesday 2-6 pm and Friday 10am-1pm) or write to planningfamilial33@gmail.com to schedule a consultation.
- *Maison des femmes de Bordeaux: http://maisondesfemmes.net/: Open to the public, Monday-Friday, 2-6 pm at 27, cours Alsace et Lorraine, 33000 Bordeaux ; call: 05 56 51 30 95 Monday-Friday from 10 am to 6 pm.
- Le Girofard, Centre LGBT d’Aquitaine: https://www.le-girofard.org:34 rue Bouquière, 33000 Bordeaux, Telephone: 09 54 19 65 04, mail: contact@le-girofard.org. Open to the public Tuesday-Friday, 6-7:30pm and by appointment (for mental health support and/or legal advice) during additional hours Monday-Friday. .
- Wake Up ! L’association des jeunes et des étudiant(e)s lesbiennes, gays, bis, trans LGBT+) de Bordeaux: http://www.assowakeup.org: Office located in front of Amphitheatre B400, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Domaine Universitaire, Pessac, Monday-Friday, 10:30am-5pm, call: 07 81 08 30 45 https://www.facebook.com/wakeupbordeaux
Legal resources in the Bordeaux area: the following two resources offer free and confidential legal advice:
- *Centre d’information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) de Bordeaux: 99 rue Goya, 33000 Bordeaux, Telephone: 05 56 44 30 30 (Monday-France 9am-12pm then 2-5pm); http://www.infofemmes.com/v2/p/Contact/cidff-de-gironde/2301 ; in person legal advice on Tuesdays, 2-6pm.
- Centre d’accueil d’urgence des victimes d’agressions (CAUVA) à Bordeaux: Hôpital Pellegrin, place Amélie Raba-Léon, 33076 Bordeaux, Telephone: 05 56 79 87 77 (Monday-Friday, 9am-7pm); https://www.chu-bordeaux.fr/Les-unit%C3%A9s-m%C3%A9dicales/Cellule-d-accueil-d-urgences-des-victimes-d-agressions-(CAUVA)/
Additional resources in the Poitiers area:
- *The Poitiers office of Le Planning Familial: http://www.planning-familial.org/content/le-planning-familial-86-00293; Telephone: 05 49 47 76 49; 20 rue du Fief des Hausses, 86000 Poitiers. Call for their opening hours and/or to make an appointment.
- Centre LGBTI du Poitou: https://www.centrelgbtidupoitou.org
- *The Poitiers office of the Association Contact: https://www.asso-contact.org/asso/86# and/or https://www.facebook.com/ContactVienne; Maison de la solidarité, 33 rue Saint-Denis, Poitiers. Contact by email: info@86.asso-contact.org and/or their hotline (in French): 0 805 69 64 64.
- Association « En tous genres », Association de visibilité et de lutte contre les discriminations fondées sur le genre, le sexe et l’orientation sexuelle: En Tous Genres | Poitiers | Facebook: Maison de la Solidarité, 22 rue du Pigeon Blanc, 86000 Poitiers, Telephone : 09 72 34 70 80. Rendez-vous by appointment only.
Legal resources in the Poitiers area: the following two resources offer free and confidential legal advice:
- *Centre d’information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) de la Vienne: 33 avenue Rhin et Danube, Poitiers (Monday-Friday, 9am-12 :30 pm & Tuesday, 2-4 :30pm) ; Telephone: 05 49 88 04 41; https://fncidff.info/cidff-de-la-vienne.
- Association Départementale de la Vienne pour la Sauvegarde de l’Enfant à l’Adulte (ADSEA aide aux victimes) ; Call to schedule an appointment. Rendez-vous are available at several sites listed here : https://www.adsea86.fr/aide-aux-victimes-2
* Refers to a confidential resource, except as follows: Health care and counseling professionals are required by law to report to law enforcement authorities the sexual assault of a person under the age of 18, or when there is a risk of immediate danger to self, others or property.
Definitions of crimes
In Middlebury’s efforts to obtain and provide definitions of the following crimes or terms, e.g., Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Consent in reference to sexual activity, which are prohibited by Middlebury’s Policy and which may also be prohibited by law in France, listed below please find some or all of the crimes or terms as locally defined by France to the extent known by Middlebury on information and belief at this time.
Sexual Assault
Article 222-22
Constitue une agression sexuelle toute atteinte sexuelle commise avec violence, contrainte, menace ou surprise.
Le viol et les autres agressions sexuelles sont constitués lorsqu’ils ont été imposés à la victime dans les circonstances prévues par la présente section, quelle que soit la nature des relations existant entre l’agresseur et sa victime, y compris s’ils sont unis par les liens du mariage.
Article 222-22-1
La contrainte prévue par le premier alinéa de l’article 222-22 peut être physique ou morale. La contrainte morale peut résulter de la différence d’âge existant entre une victime mineure et l’auteur des faits et de l’autorité de droit ou de fait que celui-ci exerce sur cette victime.
Article 222-22-2
Constitue également une agression sexuelle le fait de contraindre une personne par la violence, la menace ou la surprise à subir une atteinte sexuelle de la part d’un tiers.
Article 222-23
Tout acte de pénétration sexuelle, de quelque nature qu’il soit, commis sur la personne d’autrui par violence, contrainte, menace ou surprise est un viol.
Le viol est puni de quinze ans de réclusion criminelle.
Article 222-24
Le viol est puni de vingt ans de réclusion criminelle : …
2° Lorsqu’il est commis sur un mineur de quinze ans ; …
11° Lorsqu’il est commis par le conjoint ou le concubin de la victime ou le partenaire lié à la victime par un pacte civil de solidarité ;
Article 222-27
Les agressions sexuelles autres que le viol sont punies de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d’amende.
Article 222-28
L’infraction définie à l’article 222-27 est punie de sept ans d’emprisonnement et de 100 000 euros d’amende : …
7° Lorsqu’elle est commise par le conjoint ou le concubin de la victime ou le partenaire lié à la victime par un
pacte civil de solidarité ;
Article 222-29-1
Les agressions sexuelles autres que le viol sont punies de dix ans d’emprisonnement et de 150 000 € d’amende lorsqu’elles sont imposées à un mineur de quinze ans.
Statutory Sexual Assault
Article 227-25
Le fait, par un majeur, d’exercer sans violence, contrainte, menace ni surprise une atteinte sexuelle sur la personne d’un mineur de quinze ans est puni de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d’amende.
Article 222-7
Les violences ayant entraîné la mort sans intention de la donner sont punies de quinze ans de reclusion criminelle.
Article 222-8
L’infraction définie à l’article 222-7 est punie de vingt ans de réclusion criminelle lorsqu’elle est commise:
1° Sur un mineur de quinze ans ;
2° Sur une personne dont la particulière vulnérabilité, due à son âge, à une maladie, à une infirmité, à une déficience physique ou psychique ou à un état de grossesse, est apparente ou connue de son auteur ;
6° Par le conjoint ou le concubin de la victime ou le partenaire lié à la victime par un pacte civil de solidarité;
Article 222-9
Les violences ayant entraîné une mutilation ou une infirmité permanente sont punies de dix ans d’emprisonnement et de 150 000 euros d’amende.
Article 222-10
L’infraction définie à l’article 222-9 est punie de quinze ans de réclusion criminelle lorsqu’elle est commise :
1° Sur un mineur de quinze ans ;…
6° Par le conjoint ou le concubin de la victime ou le partenaire lié à la victime par un pacte civil de solidarité ;
Article 222-11
Les violences ayant entraîné une incapacité totale de travail pendant plus de huit jours sont punies de trois ans d’emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d’amende.
Article 222-12
L’infraction définie à l’article 222-11 est punie de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d’amende lorsqu’elle est commise: …
6° Par le conjoint ou le concubin de la victime ou le partenaire lié à la victime par un pacte civil de solidarité ;
Article 222-13
Les violences ayant entraîné une incapacité de travail inférieure ou égale à huit jours ou n’ayant entraîné aucune incapacité de travail sont punies de trois ans d’emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d’amende lorsqu’elles sont commises :
1° Sur un mineur de quinze ans ; …
6° Par le conjoint ou le concubin de la victime ou le partenaire lié à la victime par un pacte civil de solidarité ;
Article 222-14-3
Les violences prévues par les dispositions de la présente section sont réprimées quelle que soit leur nature, y compris s’il s’agit de violences psychologiques.
Article 515-8
Le concubinage est une union de fait, caractérisée par une vie commune présentant un caractère de stabilité et de continuité, entre deux personnes, de sexe différent ou de même sexe, qui vivent en couple.
Article 222-33-2
Le fait de harceler autrui par des propos ou comportements répétés ayant pour objet ou pour effet une dégradation des conditions de travail susceptible de porter atteinte à ses droits et à sa dignité, d’altérer sa santé physique ou mentale ou de compromettre son avenir professionnel, est puni de deux ans d’emprisonnement et de 30 000 € d’amende.
Article 222-33-2-1
Le fait de harceler son conjoint, son partenaire lié par un pacte civil de solidarité ou son concubin par des propos ou comportements répétés ayant pour objet ou pour effet une dégradation de ses conditions de vie se traduisant par une altération de sa santé physique ou mentale est puni de trois ans d’emprisonnement et de 45 000 € d’amende lorsque ces faits ont causé une incapacité totale de travail inférieure ou égale à huit jours ou n’ont entraîné aucune incapacité de travail et de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 € d’amende lorsqu’ils ont causé une incapacité totale de travail supérieure à huit jours.
Les mêmes peines sont encourues lorsque cette infraction est commise par un ancien conjoint ou un ancient concubin de la victime, ou un ancien partenaire lié à cette dernière par un pacte civil de solidarité.
Article 222-33-2-2
Le fait de harceler une personne par des propos ou comportements répétés ayant pour objet ou pour effet une dégradation de ses conditions de vie se traduisant par une altération de sa santé physique ou mentale est puni d’un an d’emprisonnement et de 15 000 € d’amende lorsque ces faits ont causé une incapacité totale de travail inférieure ou égale à huit jours ou n’ont entraîné aucune incapacité de travail.
Sexual Assault
Article 222-22
Any sexual act committed with violence, coercion, threats, or surprise constitutes sexual assault.
Rape and other forms of sexual assault are committed when they are forced on the victim in the circumstances set forth in this section, regardless of the nature of the relationship between the assailant and the assailant’s victim, including if they are related by marriage.
Article 222-22-1
The coercion provided for in the first paragraph of Article 222-22 may be actual or implied. Implied coercion may result from the age difference between a minor victim and the perpetrator of said offense and from the factual or legal authority that the latter has over this victim.
Article 222-22-2
Coercing a person by violence, threats, or surprise to be subjected to a sexual act by a third party also constitutes sexual assault.
Article 222-23
Any act of sexual penetration, of any kind, committed on another person by violence, coercion, threats, or surprise is rape.
Rape is punishable by fifteen years’ reclusion.[1]
Article 222-24
Rape is punishable by twenty years’ reclusion: …
2. When it is committed against a minor under fifteen years of age; …
11. When it is committed by the spouse or cohabitant of the victim or the partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact;
Article 222-27
Sexual assaults other than rape are punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.
Article 222-28
The offense defined in Article 222-27 is punishable by seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros: …
7. When it is committed by the spouse or cohabitant of the victim or the partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact;
Article 222-29-1
Sexual assaults other than rape are punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros when they are inflicted on a minor under fifteen years of age.
Statutory Sexual Assault
Article 227-25
Performance a sexual act, by an adult[2], without violence, coercion, threats, or surprise on the person of a minor under fifteen years of age is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.
Article 222-7
Acts of violence having unintentionally resulted in death are punishable by fifteen years’ reclusion.
Article 222-8
The offense defined in Article 222-7 is punishable by twenty years’ reclusion when it is committed:
- On a minor under fifteen years of age;
- On a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his or her age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability, or pregnancy, is apparent to and known to the perpetrator;
6. By the spouse or cohabitant of the victim or the partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact;
Article 222-9
Acts of violence having resulted in mutilation or permanent infirmity are punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.
Article 222-10
The offense defined in Article 222-9 is punishable by fifteen years’ reclusion when it is committed:
- On a minor under fifteen years of age; …
6. By the spouse or cohabitant of the victim or the partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact;
Article 222-11
Acts of violence having resulted in a complete inability to work for over eight days are punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.
Article 222-12
The offense defined in Article 222-11 is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros when it is committed: …
- By the spouse or cohabitant of the victim or the partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact;
Article 222-13
Acts of violence having resulted in an inability to work for eight days or fewer or not having resulted in an inability to work are punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros when they are committed:
- On a minor under fifteen years of age; …
6. By the spouse or cohabitant of the victim or the partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact;
Article 222-14-3
Acts of violence covered by the provisions of this section, whatever their nature, including psychological violence, are punishable offenses.
Article 515-8
Cohabitation is a de facto union, characterized by a stable and continuous living situation shared between two people of the same or opposite sex, living together as a couple.
Article 222-33-2
Harassing another person with repeated words or actions with the aim or effect of degrading working conditions in such a way that may violate the rights and dignity of the victim, affect his or her physical or mental health, or compromise his or her career, is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros.
Article 222-33-2-1
Harassing one’s spouse, partner bound by a civil solidarity pact, or cohabitant using repeated words or actions with the aim or effect of degrading the living conditions of the victim, affecting his or her physical or mental health, is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros when these words and/or actions have caused a complete inability to work for eight days or fewer or have caused no inability to work. Such harassment is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros when the words and/or actions have caused a complete inability to work for over eight days.
The same sentences apply when this offense is committed by a former spouse, a former cohabitant, or a former partner bound to the victim by a civil solidarity pact.
Article 222-33-2-2
Harassing a person with repeated words or actions with the aim or effect of degrading the living conditions of the victim, affecting his or her physical or mental health, is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros when these words and/or actions have caused a complete inability to work for eight days or fewer or have caused no inability to work.
[1] Translator’s Note: Reclusion (réclusion criminelle) is the most severe criminal sentence in France today, with a minimum of 10 years’ imprisonment and a maximum of life imprisonment.
[2] Translator’s note: defined as age 18