Local Resources and Laws - Japan
Emergency Services
Police: Call 110 when your immediate safety is at risk.
Ambulance: Call 119
Emergency Medical Interpretation Service: 03-5285-8185
Monday to Friday, 17:00 – 22:00; Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 9:00 – 22:00
English-Speaking Police: Call 03-3501-0110 in non-emergency situations. (Monday – Friday, 8:30am - 17:15pm)
Call 03-5774-0992 (daily, 9:00-23:00) for free, anonymous telephone counseling including confidential crisis counseling and emotional support.
H.E.L.P (House in Emergency of Love and Peace):
A 24-hour, Christian-based organization offering refuge, counseling, and legal services to women in need. TEL: 03-3368-8855.
Mitaka City Counseling Center for Women:
Call 0422-44-6600 (Mon-Fri, 8:30-17:00) or 0422-71-0030 (Sat., 13:00-17:00) for free counseling service (in Japanese only) and to find local resources.
International Christian University Counseling Center:
0422-33-3499 or on a walk-in basis (Mon-Fri, 9:30-16:30)
International Christian University Counselors for Human Rights:
Yumiko Shimazaki: 0422-33-3117
Prof. Mark Langager: 0422-33-3147
Legal Resources
Japan Legal Support Center (http://www.houterasu.or.jp/en/index.html) - TEL: 0570-078374. (Call
Center is available 9am-9pm weekdays and 9am-5pm on Saturdays.)
https://jp.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/ for a detailed list of local resources in Tokyo.
Definitions of crimes
In Middlebury’s efforts to obtain and provide definitions of the following crimes or terms, e.g., Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Consent in reference to sexual activity, which are prohibited by Middlebury’s Policy and which may also be prohibited by law in Japan, listed below please find some or all of the crimes or terms as locally defined by Japan to the extent known by Middlebury on information and belief at this time.
- 強姦罪、強制わいせつ罪と同様に、被害者の承諾があれば本罪は成立しないが、被害者は心神喪失又は抗拒不能の状態にあるため、真意に基づく承諾は認められ難い[7]。
- 「心神喪失」とは、精神的な障害により正常な判断力を失った状態をいい、「抗拒不能」とは、心理的又は物理的に抵抗ができない状態をいう[5]。具体例としては、睡眠中、泥酔状態、高度の精神遅滞状態等がある[6]。
- 女子の心神喪失若しくは抗拒不能に乗じ、又は心神を喪失させ、若しくは抗拒不能にさせて、姦淫すること(準強姦、刑法178条2項)及び人の心神 喪失若しくは抗拒不能に乗じ、又は心神を喪失させ、若しくは抗拒不能にさせて、わいせつな行為をすることをいう(準強制わいせつ、刑法178条1項)。
- 被害者の承諾については、強姦罪について述べた上記と同様である。準強姦罪(Quasi rape)及び準強制わいせつ罪(Quasi forcible indecency)
- 「わいせつな行為」とは、いたずらに性欲を興奮又は刺激せしめ、かつ普通人の正常な性的羞恥心を害し、善良な性的道義観念に反する行為をいう[3]。具体例としては、陰部への接触、接吻、人前で裸にすること等がある[4]。
- 「暴行」「脅迫」の意義及び被害者が13歳未満である場合は暴行・脅迫を要しない点は、強姦罪と同様である。
- 13歳以上の男女に対し暴行又は脅迫を用いてわいせつな行為をすること、及び13歳未満の男女に対しわいせつな行為をすることをいう(刑法176条)。
- 強制わいせつ罪(Forcible indecency)
- 被害者が13歳以上である場合は、本人の承諾があれば、強姦罪は成立しない。ここでいう「承諾」とは、自由な意思決定に基づく真意の承諾をいう。 被害者を騙して承諾を得た場合は、錯誤に基づく承諾であって無効であり、強制された承諾も自由な意思決定に基づくものではないから無効である。被害者が 13歳未満である場合は、本人の承諾があっても強姦罪は成立する。
- 「姦淫」とは、性交をいう(通説)[2]。
- 「暴行」とは、身体に向けられた不法な有形力の行使をいい、「脅迫」とは、害悪の告知をいう[1]。被害者が13歳未満である場合は、暴行・脅迫を要しない。
- 暴行又は脅迫を用いて13歳以上の女子を姦淫すること、及び13歳未満の女子を姦淫することをいう(刑法177条)。
- 強姦罪(Rape)
- ストーカー行為(Stalking)
- 同一の者に対し、つきまとい等(下記①から④までの行為については、身体の安全、住居等の平穏若しくは名誉が害され、又は行動の自由が著しく害さ れる不安を覚えさせるような方法により行われる場合に限る。)を反復してすることをいう(ストーカー行為等の規制等に関する法律2条2項)。
- 「つきまとい等」とは、特定の者に対する恋愛感情その他の好意の感情又はそれが満たされなかったことに対する怨恨の感情を充足する目的で、当該特 定の者又はその配偶者、直系若しくは同居の親族その他当該特定の者と社会生活において密接な関係を有する者に対する次のいずれかの行為をいう(同法2条1 項)。
- つきまとい、待ち伏せし、進路に立ちふさがり、住居、勤務先、学校その他その通常所在する場所(以下「住居等」という。)の付近において見張りをし、又は住居等に押し掛けること。
- その行動を監視していると思わせるような事項を告げ、又はその知り得る状態に置くこと。
- 面会、交際その他の義務のないことを行うことを要求すること。
- 著しく粗野又は乱暴な言動をすること。
- 電話をかけて何も告げず、又は拒まれたにもかかわらず、連続して、電話をかけ、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信し、若しくは電子メールを送信すること。
- 汚物、動物の死体その他の著しく不快又は嫌悪の情を催させるような物を送付し、又はその知り得る状態に置くこと。
- その名誉を害する事項を告げ、又はその知り得る状態に置くこと。
- その性的羞恥心を害する事項を告げ若しくはその知り得る状態に置き、又はその性的羞恥心を害する文書、図画その他の物を送付し若しくはその知り得る状態に置くこと。
- ストーカー行為をした者又は公安委員会の禁止命令等に違反した者は、懲役又は罰金に処せられる(同法13~15条)。
以 上
- Sex Offenses
- Rape
- The term “rape” refers to fornication with a female of not less than 13 years of age by means of assault or threat, or fornication with a female of less than 13 years of age (Article 177 of the Penal Code).
- The term “assault” refers to the unlawful use of tangible force on the body, and the term “threat” refers to the expression to cause harm2. There is no requirement of assault or threat in the event that the victim is less than 13 years of age.
- The term “fornication” refers to a sexual act (commonly accepted use)3.
- In the event that the victim is not less than 13 years of age, the term “rape” is not applicable if there is consent by the victim. The term “consent” here refers to truly intended consent based on free will. In the event that consent is obtained under false pretense, the approval is based on an error and is invalid, and a forced approval is also not based on free will and is thus invalid. In the event that the victim is less than 13 years of age, the term “rape” is applicable even with consent of the victim.
- Forcible indecency
- The term “forcible indecency” refers to an indecent behavior with a male or female of not less than 13 years of age by means of assault or threat, or an indecent behavior with a male or female of less than 13 years of age (Article 176 of the Penal Code).
- The meaning of the terms “assault” and “threat,” as well as the fact that no assault or threat is required when the victim is under 13 years of age, are the same as described above for rape.
- The term “indecent behavior” refers to behaviors that can unnecessarily excite or stimulate sexual desire, offend the normal sense of sexual shame of a normal person, and violate good sexual morality4. Specific examples include touching the pubic region, kissing, and removing the clothing from the victim in public5.
- The information regarding consent by the victim is the same as described above for rape.
- Quasi rape and quasi forcible indecency
- The term “quasi-rape” refers to the fornication with a woman while the woman is mentally incapacitated/incompetent or unable to resist the action, or by rendering a woman mentally incapacitated/incompetent or unable to resist the action (quasi rape, Article 178, clause 2 of the Penal Code), and the term “indecent behavior” refers to engagement in indecent behavior with a person while the person is mentally incapacitated/incompetent or unable to resist the behavior, or by rendering a person mentally incompetent or unable to resist the behavior (quasi forcible indecency, Article 178, clause 1).
- The term “mentally incapacitated/incompetent” refers to a condition wherein a person has lost the ability to reason normally as a result of mental disability, and the term “unable to resist” refers to the psychological or physical inability to resist6. Specific examples include while the victim is sleeping, intoxicated, or highly mentally deficient7.
- As with rape and forcible indecency, the terms “quasi rape” and “quasi forcible indecency” are not applicable with consent by the victim, but it is difficult to recognize consent because the victim is mentally incapacitated/incompetent or unable to resist8.
- Stalking
- The term “stalking” refers to repeated behaviors such as beleaguering (behaviors (1) through (4) listed below are limited to those that threaten the victim’s physical safety or tranquility of the home, or harm the victim’s honor or severely impede the victim’s freedom of activity) (Article 2, clause 2 of regulations related to stalking activity and the like).
- The term “beleaguering” refers to one of the following behaviors toward a specific person or the spouse, family member or cohabiting relative or others who have a close social relationship with the specific person with the aim of satisfying romantic feelings or other positive emotions, or a vengeful feelings for not having such feelings returned (Article 2, clause 2 of regulations related to stalking activity and the like).
- Beleaguering, lying in wait and blocking the path, standing guard near a location where a person usually spends time, such as a residence, work or school (hereinafter referred to as “residence and the like”), or barging into a person’s residence
- Informing a person of a matter that would suggest that his/her activities are being watched, or placing the person in a situation that would inform him/her that he/she is being watched
- Demand that a person meet, be in a relationship with, or act in a way that he/she is not obligated to act
- Engage in speech and/or behavior that are severely rude or violent
- Make a telephone call and then remain silent, or repeatedly make calls, send facsimile messages or send electronic mail in spite of being refused
- Delivering feces, dead animals and the like that are extremely unpleasant or elicit aversion, or place a person in a situation that he/she would be aware of such behavior
- Inform a person of a matter that would infringe upon a person’s honor, or place a person in a situation that he/she would be aware of such behavior
- Inform a person of a matter that would offend his/her sense of sexual shame or place him/her in a situation that he/she would be aware of such behavior; or deliver a document, graphic material and the like that would offend his/her sense of sexual shame or place him/her in a situation that he/she would be aware of such behavior
Those who have engaged in stalking activity or have violated an injunction by the Public Safety Commission shall be punishable by imprisonment or a fine (Articles 13-15 of regulations related to stalking activity and the like).
[1] 前田雅英他編「条解刑法〔第3版〕」(弘文堂、2013年)502頁
[2] 前掲前田504頁
[3] 名古屋高裁金沢支判昭和36年5月2日
[4] 前掲前田500頁
[5] 前掲前田507頁
[6] 前掲前田508頁
[7] 前掲前田509頁