Local Resources and Laws - Morocco
Women’s Counseling & Legal Center مركز الاستماع والارشاد القانوني للنساء
Tel: 0522.822.601
Al Najda Center for Women Victims of Violence in Rabat مركز النجدة للنساء ضحايا العنف بالرباط
Tel: 0537.700.964
Al Najda Center for Women Victims of Violence in Casablanca مركز الارشاد القانوني للجمعية الديمقراطية
Tel: 0522.816.147
Recommended Hospitals:
Clinique Agdal
6 Place Talha,
Avenue Ibn Sina, Agdal, Rabat
Tel: +212.537.77.77.77
Clinique des Nations Unies
Avenue des Nations Unies
Corner of Rue Ibnou Hanbal, Rabat
Tel: +212.537.670.505
Definitions of crimes
In Middlebury’s efforts to obtain and provide definitions of the following crimes or terms, e.g., Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Consent in reference to sexual activity, which are prohibited by Middlebury’s Policy and which may also be prohibited by law in Morocco, listed below please find some or all of the crimes or terms as locally defined by Morocco to the extent known by Middlebury on information and belief at this time.
Moroccan Penal Code
Section VII: Youth Corruption and Prostitution
Article 497: (modified, article 1 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of November 11, 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Anyone who excites, promotes or facilitates the debauchery or prostitution of minors under the age of eighteen, is punishable by imprisonment for two to ten years and a fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand dirhams.
Article 498: (modified, article 3 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of 11 November 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Punishable with imprisonment from one to five years and a fine of five thousand to one million dirhams, unless the fact is a more serious offense.
Anyone who knowingly
1) in any way aids, assists, or protects the prostitution of others or soliciting for prostitution;
2) in any form, knowingly, receives a share of the proceeds from the prostitution or debauchery of others or receives subsidies a person who habitually engages in prostitution or debauchery;
(3) lives, knowingly, with a person who is habitually engaged in prostitution;
4) hires, trains, delivers, protects, even with his consent or exercises pressure on a person for prostitution or debauchery or to continue to engage in prostitution or debauchery;
5) acts as an intermediary, in whatever capacity, between the persons engaging in prostitution or debauchery and individuals who exploit or pay for the prostitution or debauchery of others;
6) Helps anyone who exploits the prostitution or debauchery of others to provide false justifications for its financial resources;
7) is unable to justify the source of his income, considering his standard of living while living with a person usually engaged in prostitution or debauchery or having suspicious or more people engaged in prostitution or debauchery;
8) hinders prevention, control, assistance or rehabilitated by sectors, organizations or organizations authorized for this purpose vis-à-vis persons who engage in prostitution or debauchery or who are exposed to it.
Article 499: (modified, article 3 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of 11 November 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
The penalties enacted in the previous article are brought to the imprisonment of two to ten years and a fine of ten thousand to two million dirhams when:
(1) the offense was committed in respect of a minor under the age of eighteen;
(2) the offense was committed in respect of a person in a difficult situation because of age, illness, disability or weakness physical or mental health, or with regard to a pregnant woman, that her pregnancy is apparent or known by the culprit;
3) the offense was committed against several persons;
(4) the offender is one of the spouses or belongs to one of the categories listed in Article 487 of this Code;
5) the offense was caused by duress, abuse of authority, or fraud, or when means of photographing, filming, or audio recording were used.
(6) the offense is committed by a person who, by reason of his position, is participating in the fight against prostitution or debauchery, to protect the health and youth or the maintenance of public order;
(7) the offender was carrying an apparent or hidden weapon;
8) the offense was committed by several persons as authors, co-authors or accomplices without constituting a band;
9) the offense was committed through messages addressed through means of communication either to an undetermined public or to specific persons.
Article 499-1: (added, article 5 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of November 11, 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
The offenses provided for in Article 499 above shall be punishable by imprisonment from ten to twenty years and a fine of one hundred thousand to three million dirhams if they are committed by an association of criminals.
Article 499-2: (added, article 5 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of November 11, 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Offenses under articles 499 and 499-1 are punishable by perpetual imprisonment if they are committed by torture or acts of barbarism.
Article 500: The penalties provided for in articles 497 to 499 are incurred then same as some of the acts which are the constituent elements of the offense were accomplished outside the Kingdom.
Article 501: (modified, article 3 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of 11 November 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; OJ of 15 January 2004, Rectif., page 310 of OO 19 February 2004)
Anyone who committed himself or, through a third party, one of the following acts is punishable by imprisonment for four years to ten years and a fine of five thousand to two million dirhams:
1) own, manage, operate, direct, finance or participate in financing premises or establishment usually intended for debauchery or prostitution;
2) own, manage, operate, direct, finance or participate in the financing of any establishment open to the public or usually frequented by the public accepting the usual presence of a person or group of engaging in debauchery or prostitution or seeking to this end within this establishment or its annexes, tolerating these practices, or by encouraging sex tourism;
(3) to place premises or locations not used by the public at the available to one or more persons knowing that they will be destined for the debauchery or prostitution.
The same penalty applies to the assistants of the aforementioned persons preceding paragraphs of this article.
In any case, the judgment must order the withdrawal of the license convicted person is a beneficiary. He may also pronounce the closure temporary or permanent location.
Article 501 - 1: (added, article 5 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of 11 November 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Where the perpetrator provided for in sections 497 to 503 is a person moral, it is punishable by a fine of ten thousand to three million dirhams. The additional penalties and security measures provided for in Article 127 of this Code shall apply to it, without prejudice to the penalties to which its leaders are liable.
Article 502: (modified, article 1 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of November 11, 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Shall be punished with imprisonment from one month to one year and a fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand dirhams who by gestures, words, writings or by all other means publicly solicits people of one or the other sex in order to provoke them to debauchery.
Article 503: (modified, article 1 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of November 11, 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Shall be punished by imprisonment from one month to two years and a fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand dirhams, unless the fact is a more serious offense, whoever tolerates the usual and clandestine practice of debauchery by persons engaging in prostitution in premises or places used by the public, which he has in any capacity whatsoever.
Article 503 - 1: (added, article 5 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of November 11, 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Shall be guilty of sexual harassment and punished with imprisonment of one year to two years and a fine of five thousand to fifty thousand dirhams, whoever, in abusing the authority that confers upon him his functions, harasses others by orders, threats, constraints or any other means, for the purpose to obtain favors of a sexual nature.
Article 503-2: (added, article 5 of the law n ° 24-03 promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-03-207 of 11 November 2003 - 16 Ramadan 1424; B.O. of 15 January 2004)
Whoever provokes, incites or facilitates the exploitation of children under eighteen years in pornography by any representation, by any means whether it is a real, simulated or perceived sexual act or any representation of sex organs of a child for sexual purposes, shall be punishable by imprisonment from one to five years and a fine of ten thousand to one million of dirhams.
The same penalty applies to anyone who produces, broadcasts, publishes, imports, exports, exhibits, sells or holds similar pornographic material. These acts are punished even if their elements are committed outside the Kingdom.
The penalty provided for in the first paragraph of this article shall be doubled when the author is one of the ascendants of the child, a person in charge of his protection or having authority over him.
The same penalty is applicable to attempts of these acts.
The judgment of conviction orders the confiscation and destruction of pornographic matters.
The court may order the publication or posting of the judgment.
In addition, the judgment may order, where appropriate, the withdrawal of the license whose convict is the beneficiary. He may also pronounce the closure temporary or permanent premises.
Article 504:
In all cases the guilty party of offenses provided for in this may, in addition, be punished for at least five years and ten years prohibition of one or more of the rights mentioned in Article 40 and the prohibition of residence.
The attempt of these offenses is punished with the same penalties as the completed offense.