In Ferrara:

Ambulance: 118

Police: 113

In Rome:

Central emergency number:112 (police, ambulance)

In Florence:

Emergency Room (Pronto Soccorso)

Santa Maria Nuova Hospital (Piazza Santa Maria Nuova, 1)

Medical care is also available at the Careggi Hospital

Emergency Room (Pronto Soccorso)

Careggi Hospital (Viale Pieraccini)


Accettazione ostetrico-ginecologico, padiglione 7 Polo Materno Infantile (obstetrics and gynecological admissions, pavilion 7, Maternity ward)

Telephone: (055) 7947493

Call the police at 113 if your immediate safety is at risk and/or to report a sexual assault

Artemisia centro antiviolenza (Italian only): (055) 602311 (10am to 5pm)

Legal Resources…

Definitions of crimes

In Middlebury’s efforts to obtain and provide definitions of the following crimes or terms, e.g., Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Consent in reference to sexual activity, which are prohibited by Middlebury’s Policy and which may also be prohibited by law in Italy, listed below please find some or all of the crimes or terms as locally defined by Italy to the extent known by Middlebury on information and belief at this time.


English follows below the Italian.

“Violenza sessuale” (Sexual assault): è il reato commesso da “chiunque con violenza o minaccia o mediante abuso di autorità, costringe taluno a compiere o subire atti sessuali” (art. 609-bis c.p.).

the offense committed by “anyone who, by violence or threat, or by abuse of authority, compels someone to perform or submit to sexual acts” (Art. 609-bis Criminal Code).

“Atti persecutori” (Stalking): è il reato commesso da “chiunque, con condotte reiterate, minaccia o molesta taluno in modo da cagionare un perdurante e grave stato di ansia o di paura ovvero da ingenerare un fondato timore per l’incolumità propria o di un prossimo congiunto o di persona al medesimo legata da relazione affettiva ovvero da costringere lo stesso ad alterare le proprie abitudini di vita” (art. 612-bis c.p.).

the offense committed by “anyone who, by repeated conduct, threatens or molests someone in such a way as to cause a lasting and severe state of anxiety or fear, or to arouse a justified fear for their own safety or that of a near relation or a person associated with him or her by an affective relationship, or to compel that person to alter his or her own living habits” (Art. 612-bis Criminal Code).

“Maltrattamenti contro familiari e conviventi” (Domestic abuse): è il reato commesso da “chiunque maltratta una persona della famiglia o comunque convivente, o una persona sottoposta alla sua autorità o a lui affidata per ragioni di educazione, istruzione, cura, vigilanza o custodia, o per l’esercizio di una professione o di un’arte” (art. 572 c.p.).

the offense committed by “anyone who mistreats a person within his or her family or in any way cohabiting with him or her, or a person subject to his or her authority or entrusted to him or her for purposes of education, instruction, care, supervision or custody, or for the practice of a profession or art” (Art. 572 Criminal Code).

“Lesione personale” (Bodily Harm): è il reato commesso da “chiunque cagiona ad alcuno una lesione personale, dalla quale deriva una malattia nel corpo o nella mente” (art. 582 c.p.).

the offense committed by “anyone who causes someone else a personal injury resulting in a disorder [malattia] of the body or mind” (Art. 582 Criminal Code).

“Violenza privata” (Private violence): è il reato commesso da “chiunque, con violenza o minaccia, costringe altri a fare, tollerare od omettere qualche cosa” (art. 610 c.p.).

the offense committed by “anyone who, by violence or threat, compels others to do, tolerate or refrain from doing something” (Art. 610 Criminal Code).